The World | Teen Ink

The World

May 17, 2018
By Anonymous

I always loved scoops of ice cream and how easy they were to eat and serve.  So, why isn’t it easy now?  Maybe it’s because of my frail hands and body.  Our bodies are so vital as they are vessels that transport our brains from one place to another.  I found my hands to be the most important aspect of my body.  They served me my sweet ice cream.  They held plastic spoons, a pint, and once they delivered it to me, pure ecstasy ensued.  Without them, I can no longer be part of this physical world, I can only be part of my own.  In my world, I am alone in a dark space, and no shocker, I have no ice cream with me.  When I first entered my world, I didn’t feel anything.  I didn’t feel hope, despair, or disappointment, I just felt empty.  After a while, I got used to the darkness and I soon saw two faint sources of light.  They didn’t fill the void I had in myself, so I ignored them.  As time passed, these sources of light got brighter and brighter until they were luminous.  At that point, I had to do something because they were becoming a nuisance.  They appeared in a world full of darkness, meaning that they were out of place and they had no right to be here.  I tried to wish the sources of light away, but they didn’t move or disappear.  I tried to go towards the sources of light, but I couldn’t move.  I was trapped by restraints beyond my control.  I wanted to break free from them, but I remembered that I had no control over this world.  To make matters worse, the two sources of light started to project images.  The source of light on the left showed me images of myself during my past eating ice cream and the source of light on the right showed me a man with no control of his body.  These two essentially became my eyes as I had nothing else to look at or see.  It was astounding how my eyes seemed to serve me as well as the physical world.  I was able to see the hope that was my past in my left eye and my right eye…“Wait a minute, this is me.  The man in the bedroom is me.  The man in my right eye is me.  It was so long since I’d seen myself that I had forgotten what I had looked like.  It was me.”  I immediately figured out that the right eye was my future or my despair, but that’s impossible.  “In my physical world, I’m nothing but a husk.  I don’t move or interact with others because I can’t use my body and I found it unnecessary to exit my world of darkness.  So, why am I being shown images of the physical world?”  In the physical world I was being shown by my right eye, there was a pint of ice cream on the bed beside me that had two left over chunks of ice cream and a red spoon.  I was confused why my despair was the future I wanted?  Then, I saw it.  The two chunks of ice cream rolled out of the container, and they weren’t ice cream.  They were my eyes.  My own eyes just simply rolled like marbles.  No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t look away, I was forced to look.  My constraints were in control of me and forced me to look at my own demise, my own death.  My thoughts raced and raced faster until everything started to crumble.  My death in the physical world was too shocking and there was too much guilt to bear.  I was trying to forget the truth, but there is no way I can do that.  I had to confront the truth.  I had to confront my future and even if I didn’t have a body in the real world, I had to change my fate and break my limit.  I have to continue life with my guilt and despair, but that doesn’t mean that I can lose hope!  With my constraints weakened by my determination, my body started to move.  I became my body and moved towards my eyes.  I was given a spoon and with my own free will I scooped out my left eye.  I didn’t care which one it was, it just had to stop.  I can’t escape and neglect what happened here.  Then, I gouged out my right eye to rid myself of my despair and guilt, and darkness ensued.  I was back in my physical world, but I couldn’t see anything.  My future followed me.

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