Mercury | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By ZRuss BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
ZRuss BRONZE, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember that it started out as a gorgeous day in the small town of Myriad. Mercury played with her three children in the backyard. Jet her little boy and Penance and Oddity her two girls. As Mercury stood watching Cable, her fiance, cut the grass. She noticed what looked to be a bomb dropping from the sky at an astronomical speed. She stood shaking in fear.

“Mercury.” Her mom yelled over the explosions and crumbling houses.

She looked around for Cable. “I can't find him, mom.” She yelled.

“We need to go in now.” Her mom yelled.

“No, I'm not leaving him take the kids. Find the safest place that you can.” Mercury yelled. She cried. “Cable where are you?”

The neighbors ran and screamed, trying to find a place to protect themselves. They looked for their children and family. People got impaled by flying debris. They started falling into the holes that these giants created. She saw a piece break off of one of these monsters and land on a neighbor. Before it hit him he was on fire. The cracks got bigger until Mercury was stuck in her front yard. She looked around for a way out. She stood there crying and yelling for Cable.

“Mercury.” Her mom yelled. Giving up she hunkered down in the house with her family. She looked around and asked. “Is everyone okay?”

“Mommy, I'm stuck,” Penance screamed.

“Where are you, Penance? I can't see you.”

“Over here.”

She followed her voice and tried to make it through the now burning rubble of their house. The smoke and the dust were so thick she had a hard time breathing. She mustered up the energy to find her little girl. But, all was silent. Except, a few whimpers here and there. She felt a hand from under the fallen staircase.

A faint muffle emerged. “Mommy, I tried to stay with you.”

Mercury screamed, “NO! Penance it's not your time.”

“Yeah, it is, mommy.”

She felt for a breath, a light heartbeat, any sign of life left in her daughter. But she was lifeless. The commotion went on for what seemed to be an eternity. Mercury sat beside Penance, with Oddity and Jet.

Her dad said, “Mercury, we need to do something.”

“Like what dad? Everything's gone, nothing's left.”

“What about the fallout shelter?”

They gathered up the remainders of the neighborhood. They began their journey across the path of destruction. Maneuvering themselves through the unrecognizable, on their way to the deep dark unknown. Prodigy lost her footing and fell into the unknown depth of a crack.

Mercury cried, “Why? Why is this happening?”

Angel was a 12-year-old girl she put her hand on Mercury's back and said, “I know why it's happening. It's Jesus, It's the devil. They came. They're not going to stop. You need to get your dad to his feet. We need to get out of here. The worst is yet to come.”

They continued their way through the maze-like land. “Up ahead,” Chance Yelled. “I see it in the distance.”

As they got closer to the shelter, Saber said. “You guys stay here. Mercury, Chance, and I will check things.”

The shelter was free of others. They heard screaming outside, the creatures were chasing the rest of the group.

Saber yelled. “Move now. Run into the shelter.”

Chance yelled, “Mercury, lock the door.”

They backed up and stood there staring while the creatures pounded on the door. Everyone was holding their ears from the deafening sound coming from it.

“I need you all to pay attention to me. Chance, myself, my dad, Fallen, and Blaze need to go back to the neighborhood. I need you guys to stay here lock that door as soon as we go.”

When they arrived back to the shelter, Starla pulled the door open.

Blaze said. “Lock the door.”

“Where's Saber?” She asked.

“He didn't make it. Lock the door now. Those things are everywhere.” Blaze ordered.

They continued to fight and battle the demons. The shelter was secured by the cracks that surrounded it. Mercury stood by and watched as the people of the new found community stepped outside. She knew that they accomplished greatness even, with the loss of a child, her fiance, and parents. They fulfilled the impossible. This day turned into the beginning of a new chapter, of a new world that was deemed hopeless to survive and they made it.

The author's comments:

This is the piece I based my play in one act from. I hope it is enjoyable. It is set in an apocalypse time period.

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