The Incident | Teen Ink

The Incident

October 2, 2018
By 1xshae BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1xshae BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day of the terrible incident started off like any other day. The sun and the clouds were out. It was the perfect summer day. The sun was at its highest when the neighborhood kids went to Main street to play. They would go cool off in the blast of the busted open fire hydrant. The children were nice and innocent and would listen to all the adults, so nobody knew why he did what he did. On that particular day he got up early to catch the 8:00 news.

“98 and sunny Great!” he said, “another hot day.”


   He had already decided that today would be the day.

     It was about 6:35pm when Mr. Stephen decided to sit on his porch and watch over the children as they played. Mrs. Rosen would never send her twin girls around to main street. “It’s too dangerous in this neighborhood. Something bad happens everyday,” she would say. Today was different though. Mrs. Rosen let her girls go play in the water while she went to the market around the corner from Main street. This day, she didn’t think anything bad was going to happen. She thought her children would be safe under the watch of Mr. Stephen.


    When his car pulled up and just sat across the street from the hydrant. Green and black impala with tinted windows. Everyone knew who the car belong to. Maybe he was waiting to pick up his son, so no one didn’t think anything strange of it. Mr. Stephen now stood on his porch smoking a cigarette and the children were playing a game of tag. Then it happened…

     The drivers side window of his car slowly crept down. Only far enough to see the cold eyes of the perpartrader. It all happened so quickly. He pulled out the weapon. The one he used to murder an innocent child. Mrs. Rosen had just got back from the market. “Everyone inside!” yelled Mr. Stephan. By time all of the children started fleeing, it was already too late. He had already pulled the trigger and started pulling off. “Noooooooooo!” yelled Mrs. Rosen dropping her bags running to the scene. Blood splattered all over the street as the little, innocent body dropped.

    “My b-b-b-aby.” Mrs. Rosen sobbed, breaking down next to her dead child. Cops sirens swirled through the air. Parents took their crying children and left. Nobody could understand why he did it.

The author's comments:

This is a microfiction story.

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