The dark Monster | Teen Ink

The dark Monster

December 12, 2018
By Anonymous

I was getting ready for bed, and the night was as dark as a cave without light. I felt someone watching me, but, I didn’t know who it was. The room was as cold as snow, I was an icicle in that icy cold temperature. I heard a sharp Bang, Bang, in the attic. I was scared, but I didn’t think much of it. Big Mistake! A few minutes later Bang, Bang, I heard that treacherous noise again. This time I had to see what was going on. I grabbed my flashlight and started heading up the stairs. I was so scared because while I was going up the stairs I kept hearing, Bang, Bang. I couldn’t believe my ears. I wanted to turn back but I had just started going up and I wanted to see what all the noise was about. While I was going up, the old wooden stairs creaked.  While I was going up the noisy stairs, they rocked back and forth. I was even more scared now, but I had to see what was in the dark, scary, creepy, attic. The wooden stairs where cold and ruff on my bare feet as I was walking up. As I was walking up the stairs I slowly started seeing more and more of the door. Once I saw the door I realized, the door was opened. I was the most scared I had ever been before. I really wanted to turn back, but I couldn’t I was just so close to seeing what was in the dark scary creepy attic. I just had to face my fear and go into the attic. A few seconds after I heard a different noise than earlier Thump, Thump, Thump. I almost turned back for real, but I couldn’t, I was literally inches away from being inside the attic. I had to face my fear once again and go into the attic. I went in and, Thump, Thump, Thump. Then there was a sudden stop to the noise, there was a sudden break of silence. Then I saw a big shadowy figure form right in front of me. It was the scariest thing I had ever seen. It had claws as sharp as knives, eyes as red as blood, it had snakes for hair, and it was three times my size. Whatever that “thing” was it was now known as the scary, creepy attic monster. As I came closer, and closer the monster backed away more, and more. Then, BANG! I blacked out and hit the cold, hard, wooden ground. I was asleep for a long time, I couldn’t really remember what happened next, except for this. I woke up probably a few hours later all cozy under my sheets in bed. What had happened last night? I crept up the stairs to see if there was really a monster in the attic. I looked all around the attic, and there was nothing there. I was so relieved. A few minutes later I realized what had happened. It was all a terrible nightmare.  

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote when I was in 5th grade. I like to be very detailed and descriptive with my work. 

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