The Last Entry | Teen Ink

The Last Entry

March 28, 2019
By eelgin21 BRONZE, Franlin Lakes, New Jersey
eelgin21 BRONZE, Franlin Lakes, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day 431,                                                                                                      August 15, 3665


The food source is scarce and we have scavenged all the food within a 10 mile radius. We meaning my dad, my older brother, and me. My younger brother was killed by savages, who weren’t infected, on day 78. Thankfully we escaped as my dad shot the two guys, but it was too late to save my brother. My parents along with all of us were heart broken. Here we are in the middle of an apocalypse and people are just trying to kill other people for no reason. How stupid is that. My mother died on day 378 due to illness contracted from food. That was enough to really put the rest of us on edge. My mother was the cool, calm, and collect one through hard times, especially now. Our house has had a weird kind of emptiness since her death. Life is tough and honestly, I have no idea how we are still living, even though we try to be positive about it. We all understand that this might be the end to humankind, so we have just tried to make the most of it for our time being.

All of the people within a 30 mile radius have died or are not here anymore that we know of. It's just the three of us living in our home surrounded by nothing but empty houses. Thankfully we live in a desired place, Georgia, or the winters would be too cold to stay alive. The collection of towns around us go as far out as about 50 miles, but past that is just country for hundreds of miles. That is until you reach Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, or Alabama. Take your pick because no matter which direction you walk towards you’ll end up in another state before you reach the ocean. This will eventually help up decide where we head because unfortunately sooner or later we will have to make the long trek somewhere else.

My dad has decided that it was time to move out of our home. The home I have grown up in my whole life. It saddens me thinking I will most likely not see this place ever again. Unfortunately, the community along with us at the beginning of this apocalypse ate all the food near us. It has gotten to a point that walking more than 10 miles to get a few pieces of fruit is too much. The animals were not as affected as the humans were, so naturally we have been eating a lot of meat from different types of animals, but even the animals are scarce near us. We head out tomorrow he said. Other than that, nothing eventful has happened today.






We laid down for bed and we heard people. My dad went to go look and all we heard were gunshots. I am in the closet right now with my older brother. This might be it but we don't know we can’t tell what’s going on.


Update: Someone came back into the house I think it was my dad thankfully..wait… It wasn’t my da-

The author's comments:

This piece is a creative writing which is my favorite type of writing. Leaves the reader with a cliff hanger.

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