Coffeehouse on Waltz Street | Teen Ink

Coffeehouse on Waltz Street

April 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Reese began to beg to Daniel, desperately trying to pull him into Smiley’s Coffeehouse. “Come on Daniel! It’s not that serious. It’s just for Instagram.”

“Are you kidding me, Reese? I read the reviews and according to Yelp, this coffeehouse is just a little off. It’s not normal, and for Instagram pictures? No thanks,” Daniel shudders, beginning to think about what could happen in the not-normal-coffeehouse on Waltz street.

“Oh my goodness, Daniel, come on. Presley, can you please get him in here,” Reese was truly beginning to get annoyed with what Daniel was doing. Within a few minutes, everyone was against Daniel for not going into this coffeehouse. Presley then began to physically drag Daniel into the shop, making Daniel even more angry with his friends.

“Okay, okay. Fine. I’ll go in,” Daniel put his hands up as if he was surrendering and opened the door to Smiley’s Coffeehouse, leading the group through the doorway. Margot, Reese, and Presley sighed in relief, happy that they could enjoy a vanilla latte. The four walked up to the front, ordered their drinks and sat at a nearby table, taking note that it was empty in there, other than the three employees who worked up front.

Margot giggled, “Presley, look,” she pointed to the shirts the coffeehouse sold.

“‘Once you enter, you’ll never want to leave.’ Ooh sounds spooky,” Presley took amusement to the shirts and showed Daniel, trying to get him to loosen up a bit.

“Don’t you think it’s just a little, weird? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me but there is no way they get enough customers to sell some t-shirts,” Daniel was still very uptight after he read those reviews.

The baristas walked up to the table, handing each person their vanilla lattes.

“Oh my goodness. These are just the cutest. I have to get a picture of me and Daniel to post on my Instagram,” Reese was thrilled about these clear, slightly glittery mugs that were handed to them. Reese handed her phone to Presley, “Here. Take a picture.”

Reese posed with the mug as Daniel put his arm around her and fake giggled for the photo. Daniel decided to take a sip of the latte, to make the photo slightly more authentic.

“Oh brother,” Daniel spit out his drink, “that tastes absolutely awful. We should have listened to the reviews, they were right. I’m going to the bathroom.”

Trying to see if Daniel was just being overdramatic, everyone took a sip of their drinks.

“I mean, it’s not absolutely horrendous. And I spent five dollars on this so I’m not letting it go to waste,” Reese agreed to the statement Margot had just made. Both of them guzzled down their drinks, plugging their noses to not taste it as much. Presley took a few more sips but decided that, maybe, Daniel was right.

“Guys, imagine if these drinks were drugged and that’s why they tasted so rancid. What do you think they’d do to us? Margot, you go first,” Presley was always like that, trying to find something wrong with a situation that was completely fine.

“Please, stop it. You are scaring me,” Reese got spooked very easily and wasn’t a fan when Presley would make jokes about them being in a dangerous situation. Presley felt bad about what he said, so he apologized and the group sat in silence for a minute.

“Hey, what happened to Daniel? He’s been gone a minute,” Presley was concerned for his friend. He didn’t want anything bad to have happened to him.

“I don’t know. He’s probably puking his guts out,” Reese furrowed her eyebrow and had a face of discomfort, looking irritated about the comments Presley had made prior.

“Ugh, can you guys please stop being so loud? I’m having the worst headache in my life right now,” Margot’s head was cupped by her hands and her eyes were shut tight.

“Sorry Margot,” Presley apologized in an almost silent voice. Margot got up to go to the restroom but collapsed suddenly.

“Margot!” Presley yelled and grabbed her arm, terrified about what just happened.

“She probably just fainted, she’ll be okay. I pro—,” Reese’s words became jumbles of nothing and she fainted as well.

“Oh my god,” Presley tried grabbing his phone off of the wood table whilst holding onto Margot but ended up grabbing the mugs, his keys, and everything else but his phone. He laid Margot on the ground, with every sound he made echoing through his mind. He put his hand on the chair Margot had previously been sitting on and got himself up off the ground. Presley then was finally able to take his phone off the table and with panic settling in, he immediately decided to call 911. He put his iPhone up to his ear but realized there was no signal in this coffeehouse. He sprinted as fast as possible to the door and pushed on it. Presley had tears running down his face as he tried to push the door open. He banged on the door and screamed at the top of his lungs, but nothing happened. No one in the coffeehouse was helping and no one outside seemed to notice. Presley turned his head, just to see if Margot and Reese were still knocked out. He felt uneven breathing on his neck and heard very shallow sniffling coming from behind him. Presley decided to turn around completely, only to be faced by Daniel in the Smiley’s barista uniform. Presley’s heart sunk. He tried speaking, but only nonsense and jumbles of words were coming out.

Daniel glared Presley with a terrifying grim on his face.

“Hey buddy, turns out the shirts were true. Once you enter, you’ll never want to leave.”

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