Pizza Delivery Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

Pizza Delivery Gone Wrong

March 16, 2021
By heuw11 BRONZE, Hamilton, Montana
heuw11 BRONZE, Hamilton, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I think I’m gonna head out.” 

“Wait, my manager said, you have one more order.” We closed ten minutes ago, I thought. I decided not to say anything because I really needed this job. Instead, I just grabbed the big Dominos box full of hot pizza and hopped in my car. Why can’t people just make a home cooked meal for dinner? Why do they always have to order pizza?  I turned on my music and hit the road. Before leaving the driveway, I checked the order and saw that it was to be delivered at 505 Clarendon Hills, Chicago. Clarendon Hills? They never order pizza. Too rich and fancy. They probably have butlers make 10,000 dollar pizza for them. I let out a sigh. Sometimes I wish I was one of them. 

Growing up in my family was pretty tough. My mom passed away when I was only three, and my dad was thrown in jail not too long after. I was moved to my grandparents and lived there until I graduated. The only friends I ever had were my three brothers and two sisters. But the last time I ever saw them was five years ago. I think? I paused my thinking and watched the snow fall out of the sky and onto the ground. It was really starting to pick up. Between the snow and dark sky, it was getting pretty hard to actually drive. I started to wonder if this Jordan Lopez was even going to get his food. It would be a shame if he had to call Pizza Hut. While I was driving, I started to make a list of things in my head that I would rather be doing than this. Go home, eat some food, lay down, watch TV.

I made my last turn and could not believe my eyes. The house I was in front of would barely slide for a ruined shack. It looked like the other houses just...older. Older as in wrecked, as in disgusting, as in uninhabitable. Did anyone even live here? It was worse than anything I had ever seen on TV. Confused, I grabbed the order form and checked the address. 505 Clarendon Hills, Chicago. This made no sense. Eventually, I decided to quietly set the pizza on the steps, and walk away. Tip toeing, my feet moved soft and discreet. The pizza slid onto the steps and I turned to sprint back to the car when a deep voice called out. 

“Hey, I didn’t pay.” 

“Oh, right.” I turned back around quickly. 

“Oh shoot, I left my wallet inside,” Jordan (I think) said. 

“I’ll just wait out here sir,” I said politely. I don’t know why I was so scared. Something about him, about this house. Something didn’t feel right. I don't know what, but I do know that whatever it is, isn’t good. 

“It’s freezing outside, please, come in.” 

Shivering, I replied, “That won’t be necessary.” He signaled again to come inside and even though I really didn’t want to, I did. I don’t know why I did, but I did. I grabbed the pizza, walked in the door, and then suddenly, WACK! 

“Ahhhh,” I cried out. My eyes were barely open, and I could feel myself moving. What was happening? Who was doing this to me? Why? These were the only thoughts that I could take in before I we-. 

Where was I? I opened my tired eyes and looked around. What happened? I desperately tried to remember. 505 Clarendon Hills, Chicago. I drove to the address, walked in the door...then what? Only small glimpses of my memories came. My head was spinning. It wasn’t hard to tell that I was hit on my head by something. But why? That seemed to be my never ending question. I tried to rub my head when I realized my hands were tied to the chair. It wasn’t rope though, it was, um, the words couldn't come to me. I knew what it was, I just couldn’t remember. Now my head was really spinning. I should've gone home. 

After a few minutes of contemplating my life decisions, I decided that I needed to get out of here. There was a window in the North corner of the room. I tried my best to scoot the chair so I could get a closer look, but before I could get there, the door creaked open that sent a shiver down my spine. There was a rugged man, his eyes full of tears. His soul looked as if it had been broken over and over again. He began to speak softly. 

“Hello.” Too scared to say anything, I looked back over at the window.

 “You're probably wondering why you are here.” he said. You're here because you have been chosen.” 

Chosen. The words fluttered around in my mind. Why was I chosen? Who had chosen me?  Confused, I responded. “Chosen for what?” I didn’t understand. Why was I here? The man continued.

 “Chosen to be a soldier.” He paused.

 “You should consider yourself lucky. If it wasn’t for me, you would be dead. People are not happy.” 

“What people!” I screamed, my eyes opened wide. Why did I do that? I looked back at the window when I heard the sound of feet moving towards me. A sudden feeling spread across my body. It felt like death. I closed my eyes and thought about pizza. I should’ve not delivered the pizza. I should've never walked inside of the man's house. But most of all, I should’ve quit my job a long time ago. Why did money have to be so complicated? 

To my surprise, the man didn’t hit me in the head or cut me open like an Amazon package. He just simply set his hand on my shoulder. When he touched me I could feel the sadness inside of him.

 “I’m so, so sorry. You don’t deserve this.” The door slammed back open and his hand jumped off of me. We both turned and there were three men standing side by side in the doorway. The one in the middle looked to be the boss of the operation. If it even was an operation. Honestly, I had no clue. The boss signaled over the sorrowful man and they began whispering. I tried my best to interpret what they were saying but it was no use. Whatever they were saying, it had to do with me. And that can’t be good.

The two had been talking for quite some time when the boss and the other two left the room and the sad man walked over to me. 

“I did the best I could, I’m sorry, kid.” Then, just as fast as he came, he was gone. The words shook me the same way chosen did. What did he mean he did the best he could? More importantly, now that he failed, what was going to happen to me?

After they left, I was alone for what felt like eternity. I couldn’t remember the last time I had ever been so bored. Although, I was relieved that the monsters had left. With nothing to do, I began to think more and more about my future. The present was too painful. Too real. The only thing that I could think about was if I was going to die. I was too young to die. At least that's what I thought. Everything changed when I walked through that door. 

Days and nights passed and the only thing I heard besides my own thoughts was the food port opening and closing only twice a day. While I was alone I began to realize that food ports opening and closing was driving me insane. Without people or talking, I was completely alone. It reminded me of a MrBeast video I watched on Youtube where he stuck himself in an insane asylum. But his wasn’t this bad because his friends would at least talk to him every once in a while. I miss friends.

Creek. The door opened and the boss man walked in with a cruel look on his face. Behind him followed a chained up man who looked an awful lot like the sorrowful man who I originally met. The boss man yanked the chained man and threw him onto the ground. “Are you alright,” I asked. He didn’t look alright. “He’s fine, the boss man said, say hello to your new roommate.” Then, he abruptly walked out of the room slamming the door behind him. 

I immediately scooted over to the man and tried to help him up. He grabbed my hand and leaned against the worn chair I was still tied to. He looked more tired than I’ve ever been here. I thought more about what I could do to help him since he helped me but I didn’t know what to do. “Your the guy that-” 

“Yes, I was once here before. I tried to help you Thomas, but I…” 

“But you what?” Suddenly, I got shivers and sorrow filled my lonely body. He was dead.

Why? How? Who was doing this!? Somebody answer my questions! I finally had a actual person in this stupid shak and then just like that, two minutes in, he’s dead. “I guess it’s just you and me George,” I explained to the hanging picture. I named him George because of the name George on the side of the picture. The man was dressed in Animal skinned clothes and had a big white beard. The person next to him was holding a gun. Gun! All of a sudden, I had an idea. No one ever comes in here. So I could make a weapon to bust myself out of here. Coincidentally, right then someone walked in, and it wasn’t Boss Man.

“Hi, I’m Jona.” “I have some news that I think you would like me to share,” he told me. Who was this guy? Why was he so nice? Even though I was still terrified, this guy was genuinely nice. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, we contacted your family and co-workers to find out as much information about you as we could Thomas.” “You may think you were kidnapped and held hostage but what if I were to tell you that this whole thing was an illusion?” An illusion? Nobody in the world cared this much about me. Not even George. A man standing next to Jona walked behind my chair and unhooked the chains. I immediately lifted my hands and waved them through the air. In awe of how they flew through the room I asked “Is this like a show or something?” “Not full Trueman Burbank but kind of,” he responded. “C’mon, he announced, come see where you are.” 

I followed him out the door and saw one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. It was beautiful enough to make movies jealous. The mountains, rivers, and lush grass. It was almost too much to handle. I couldn’t help but think that maybe this place wouldn’t be as beautiful to me if I hadn’t been in a shack for two months. It didn’t really matter to me. I was happy to be out. To be safe. At least I think I’m safe. 

I was walking around when Jona came over to me and handed me a pair of familiar car keys. He pointed over to the right of me and there it was. My car. I was free.

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