The Beast | Teen Ink

The Beast

January 20, 2022
By BananaMan1231234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
BananaMan1231234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The man awoke to the soft creak of waves crashing against old wood. He slowly rose, groggy from his slumber, and reached for the lantern he placed there before. As his hand was searching for the cold metal of his lantern he found that it was warm and wet instead. However his worries quickly yielded to the call of hunger as he lit his lantern and marched to the steady creaks of the old ship.

As he arrived in the cafeteria his sleepy state quickly turned into a state of fear as he saw the destruction laid out before him. Bodies twisted and torn into barely recognizable figures, blood coating the barren walls, and worst of all, tracks leading further into the ship. The man’s appetite quickly subsided as with every glance at the massacre he had to fight against the bile coming from his stomach. The man finally mustered up the courage to check the tracks. What he saw wasn’t human, tracks so large and heavy they twisted the sturdy wood of the ship, blood draining through the fresh made opening.

Fear gripped at the heart of the man; he was paralyzed by it, forced to stand there, quivering in the blood of his friends. Eventually he was shaken out of it by the slow creaking of the ship, ever continuing as if nothing had happened. The man decided to give chase to the monster, his hunger for answers outweighing his fear of death. But as he walked toward the deck his eagerness was abated by the destruction the beast wrought.  Not even the rats were spared of this beast's vengeance. The blood pooled so much that it shifted with the movements and creaks of the ship. As he got to the steps the man’s courage slowly left as he climbed up towards the deck, each step taking longer than the last. 

Eventually he was able to get a full view of the deck in all of its horrific glory. Bodies strewn about as if the beast was decorating for some sick party. Then as the man was looking around for whatever horror he might face, he realized that the tracks ended. After the stairs, the dents in the floor were no more, he realized the beast had left and was not a threat anymore. However, in all this chaos and death there was only the man and the slow creaking of the ship to keep him company. 

Then a noise. a faint thumping sound from the captain’s quarters. The man jumped in excitement at the prospect of another survivor. He realized that his beloved captain must have slew the beast. The man ran over and swung the door open ready to sing praises of his captain’s victory. But there was no song, only a scream and the slow creaking of the ship.

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