Paralyzed | Teen Ink


September 14, 2022
By HD04 BRONZE, Deer Park, Texas
HD04 BRONZE, Deer Park, Texas
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Todd is a boy who is paralyzed and lives in a really old house in San Francisco, he is 13 years old and when his parents aren't home he is taken care of his older brother, his name is Mike he is 15 years old and they do not have a good bond because he has to take care of Todd. 

The house is 170 years old and a woman used to live in the house and there was a rumor that she was a witch and that did black magic and witchcraft in the house, the house is has 3 rooms and a basement where she did her witchcraft and went to people’s graves and dig them out and use them for witchcraft, her neighbor noticed this and called the police on her, and the old woman hid the bodies in a secret wall door, when the cops arrived to her house they didn’t suspect a thing and the woman said they could search her house but the cops did not find anything. 2 years later the woman died of a heart attack and the house was being auctioned.

Mike told Told the rumor but Todd did not show any emotion to this rumor because he did not believe in witches or ghost, later on the same night Todd was left alone watching tv in his room and noticed that the tv started to static and the tv noise started to get louder and making knocking sound and people screaming then the tv turned off, he could see his reflection off the tv and can see something hiding behind him, he saw a black tall figure ascending up soaring over him  and moving around trying to look at him without being seen but Todd could not do anything but just hyperventilate while tears run down his face while the figure keeps looking at him, it lasted for 10 minutes straight until his brother came in and saw him petrified and shocked, Mike asked what was wrong but Todd but Mike did even bother to see what Todd was crying about, later on their parents came home from work at 9 pm and brought them dinner and talk about what they did at work. 

 At 10:30 every one was asleep except Todd, he was focused and gazed at his closet all night long until he fell asleep, once he fell asleep thee tall black figure came out of the closet very slowly and started whispering words that he couldn’t understand and Mike looked over towards the figure but did not even move because he was shocked and just went back to sleep with his blanket over his head then the figure walked towards Todd and kneeled on the side of his bed and watched him as he slept then Todd felt a strong presence and he has woken up and looked at the black tall shadowy figure and tried to scream as hard as he can but wasn’t able to it was like he was suffocating and claustrophobic then he started to close his eyes and blink rapidly to wake up but it did not work so he closed his eyes to make the figure go away but it stood there towering over him until he vanished, Todd has woken up and experienced his first sleep paralysis, the figure that Todd has seen has appeared next to Mike’s bed and towered over him as Todd just watched as he whimpers because he could not do nothing, as he watched he had seen Mike paralyzed and moving his head around quickly and opening his mouth trying to scream but it was just him whispering his screams and as soon as he woke he stood up as fast as he can and turned on the light put Todd onto his wheelchair and ran into his parents and told them what had happened but Mike’s parents just told him it was a nightmare and calmed him down. 

The next morning Mike tried to convince his parents that what had happened to him was real and not a nightmare but his parents were in a rush going to work, once their parents left, Mike took Todd outside to the backyard because he didn’t want to be in the house, he was freaked out and wanted to get away from the house, they went along a trail that wrapped around the backyard and stumbled on a bunch of tree branches piled up and then Mike to kick the branches to clear the path and found a box tied up with strings then he untied the strings and opened the box and found a board with a triangle piece with planchette covered with blood but he ignored and thought it was a board game, he put it on top of Todd’s lap and took it home, once he got home he went to the kitchen and started to play with it while Todd watches and Mike was trying to figure out how to play the game, while he was trying to create a way to play the game with Todd, Todd seen a the black figure again, it was creeping around the windows, Todd tried to get Mike’s attention but he was focused with the board game that the shadow was able to close all the curtains and block all visible light and then turned off all the lights in the kitchen all in a span of 4 seconds, Mike scrambled around the kitchen trying to turn on the lights but then slipped and hit the back of his head knocking himself out, Todd started to breathe rapidly and try to find the figure but was slowly moving his head and started to cry when he felt his wheelchair starting to move towards the basement, he was thrown into the basement his body stumbling on the concrete stairs, when he hit the ground he saw a creature making crackling sounds, bones shapeshifting into a witch, and saw Mike bleeding from his head with a big puddle of blood streaming down towards him, the blood went to the side of his face, Todd tears was all over his face and blood, the witch picked him and put him a large bath filled with blood with his brother Mike and they started to drown and died, their parents came home and didn’t notice anything but their kids missing so they called the cops and reported them missing then they searched the basement and did not find anything at all, no trace of them at all, it's like they never existed.

The author's comments:

Nothing inspired me to create this but being paralyzed is one of the worst things and seeing ghost or evil spirits is even worse because you cant do anything and you have to watch them do scary thigs to you.

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