The Sun and The Moon | Teen Ink

The Sun and The Moon

September 8, 2023
By GR0393252 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
GR0393252 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Sun and The Moon…by Genesis Rosales

Power is something countless seek to achieve in their lifetime. Jack was no exception. Jack was king of a unique town, known mostly for its gorgeous autumns where green was nowhere to be found. A crispy chilly air tickled your nose, and the days were short yet well enjoyed. Alongside Jack was his wife, Stephanie. She was elegant and well respected by all. She truly had a heart of gold. Together, they shared five kids. They were bold, brilliant, and sharp-witted. There was also Catherine, Jack’s sister. She was his right hand, or so it seemed. Their lives were a façade.

Catherine was the antithesis of Jack. They were the sun and the moon. Jack was radiant, charming, and had a profound impact in all he did. Catherine on the other hand, was gentle yet audacious, loving and with an all-seeing heart. They were the sun and the moon. One shined brighter than the other. Their family knew this growing enmity would be the downfall of one, if not both. The days were eclipsed for the royal family. The disputes between the siblings only ascended. Catherine tore apart Jack’s austere mandate She had grown weary of constantly wearing a mask. Since the death of her love, her heart had only grown weaker. The only strength she had was her son, Stephan, and her nephews. They were her roots. But even the strongest bark could not withstand the sturdiest blade.

The greed for ultimate power consumed Jack’s heart. He grew paranoid of all surrounding him. Especially Catherine. As the minutes flew by, his mind began to over-flood with dismay. She was a threat. The weed hidden within the roses. Sitting upon his intimidating throne, he called upon the royal guard. With a cold and demanding voice that traveled menacingly through the room, the king gave his command. No other word was said, and the men were off as they traveled their way upstairs. Storming through the halls, they reached the living space. Catherine, accompanied by her family, relaxed, and chatted. Innocent laughter filled the room, but rapidly turned into silence as the guards barged in. “What’s this discourtesy?” Stephanie asked, questioning their behavior. “Forgive us, your highness,” he began “, but the king has ordered the arrest of Princess Catherine.” His words, an unwanted surprise. Rushing down the endless halls, Stephanie barged into the throne room, the doors creaking. She locked eyes with her husband, and they conversed.

Back in the antique living space, Catherine knew what had to be done. Handing her son off with a kiss to his head, to her niece, she obliged. “Then I’m ready to obey.” She spoke. Taken into custody, Catherine had her audience with the king. She was found guilty of treason and conspiracy towards him and his kingdom. Her punishment had already been long decided.

Catherine, dressed in a silk cream gown, stood before the people. “I have come here today, to die.” The crowd murmured as she spoke. “I simply ask you to hold me in your prayers.” She added. A haunting yet welcoming smile displayed upon her face as she kneeled. Shedding a single tear, she looked up at the sky, and then up at the sun who alongside his wife, watched from afar. A single tear ran down her cheek. Even now, he shined so brightly. Locking eyes with him, she smiled, and it was done.

There was a silence that pranced through the kingdom. The church bells rang, singing a melancholic melody for an innocent loss. Jack took a deep breath in. Those eyes, they embraced death with such warmth. Would he ever be able to live, knowing the horrendous act he had committed? Condemning an innocent soul. Those sapphire eyes pierced through him. They knew the truth. Her eyes and his crime would surely haunt him, till the end of time.

The author's comments:

This story was based off the contrasts between the sun and the moon since sometimes they are depicted as unequal and/or opposites. This story is my original creation with my own original characters. I am a junior in high school and have fun writing stories every now and then. It's one of my hobbies. I've held up my grades and have received recognition for my efforts.

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