Where's Tommy? | Teen Ink

Where's Tommy?

September 13, 2023
By allancaster05 BRONZE, Chesnee, South Carolina
allancaster05 BRONZE, Chesnee, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's better to burn out than to fade away

I made a new friend today; his name is Tommy. Tommy likes dinosaurs and firetrucks, just like me. Tommy says when he grows up, he wants to be a firefighter like his daddy was. Sometimes Tommy gets upset and cries a lot, and I feel bad because I know he wants to go home. Sometimes I can't find Tommy because he hides under the floorboards, it makes me sad that Tommy doesn't want to be here anymore, but I think I need to let him go.

I made a new friend today; his name is Henry. Henry likes to play pretend with me. Sometimes Henry and I act like dinosaur hunters. Henry isn't like Tommy though, Henry said he doesn't want to go home; I understand sometimes I don't like my mommy and daddy either. Henry was mean today. He wouldn't share my dinosaur toys with me; I think I need to let Henry go too.

I made a new friend today. Her name is Emily. I've never had a girl for a friend before, maybe she'll be nicer than Tommy and Henry were. Emily is weird. When she uses the bathroom she doesn't stand up, she sits down. I don't understand why. Emily is nicer than Tommy and Henry, but she keeps trying to put makeup on my dinosaurs; I don't mind because at least she wants to stay. Emily is gone now; I caught her doing something bad, so she had to go. I'm going to miss her.

I made a new friend today. His name is William. William says he knew Tommy, maybe he'll like the same stuff Tommy did. William says he misses Tommy a lot, I do too, maybe I can find him again. I found Tommy and took him to William, but William didn't like what Tommy looked like and said he smelled funny. William was mean to Tommy so I made him leave, but he was right, Tommy does smell bad.

I didn't make any new friends today. I even went walking down the street, and there was no one around. Maybe everyone's tired and slept in. Well, except for the mean man who made me stop. I asked the mean man why he was so angry, but he just yelled at me. I even started to cry as he clicked those bracelets around my wrist; those bracelets hurt really badly. Then he put me in a car and drove me to a place where more mean men surrounded me, calling me mean names like "freak" and "monster." I'm not a monster, I don't understand, I don't have sharp teeth and terrible claws, I like firetrucks and dinosaurs. We walk inside the building and he takes me to a room where he yells at me, asking where the kids are. What kids is he talking about? I don't understand. Then he asked me if I knew Henry; I happily said yes because Henry is my friend. The man doesn't get happier though, he gets even madder and tells me to grow up and stop acting like a child. I don't understand, can someone my age not like dinosaurs and firetrucks? The mean man keeps yelling at me, asking me "Where's William?" and "What'd you do with Emily?" What do you mean, I don't know where they are, I made them leave; I only know where Tommy is because I was able to find him still hiding under my floorboards. Maybe the mean man won't be mad if I show him where Tommy is. Although, I don't know if he'll like how bad Tommy smells.

The author's comments:

This short story follows a narrator trying to find his forever friend.

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