Cursed Brother | Teen Ink

Cursed Brother

October 13, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a sunny tuesday afternoon, and steve was running up hills for conditioning. With each sweaty step, his legs grew heavier. While running up the hill, He had the thought Will this ever end? As Steve got to the top of the hill, he looks down at the daunting steep decent that was ahead of him. He looks across the horizon and sees an old T-Ball field. Alongside Steve, there is his dog, Ralph. Ralph is a golden retriever with shiny maroon gold fur. He pants alongside Steve before they go back down the hill. After reaching the bottom of the hill, Steve and Ralph pack things up to go home, and when they get back to the car, Steve notices that all of the tires have been slashed. He panics and curses but then he notices a wallet laying on the ground beneath the rear left tire. Steve picks it up and looks at the I.D inside and it reads the name “Daniel.” Steve feels backstabbed that his brother would do this to him. 

Moments later, Steve calls a tow truck to bring the car to a mechanic and just after he hangs up the phone, a man walking on the sidewalk nearby asks, “Hey! Do you need help!?”

 “No thank you. I have a tow truck on the way!” Steve replies.

 After getting back home from being at the mechanic for a while, Steve comes to the conclusion that he needs to kill his brother. He unlocks his safe and brings out 2 pistols along eith ammunition. He loads them and waits for night to come. Once night falls, Steve sets off on foot to Daniels house that is 2 miles away from his. He dips and dodges behind walls and bushes until he finally gets to Daniels house. Once he was there, he quietly picks the lock on the front door and steps inside the house. It’s dark and quiet.  As he tip toes through the house, he approaches the kitchen. When he enters the kitchen, he sees Daniel standing alongside the Granite countertop. Steve raises the gun in his hand and points it at Daniel, 

“This is your fault!” Steve says to Daniel right before he pulls the trigger of the pistol. Steve shot Daniel three times in the chest and twice in the face. Daniel falls and Steve stands over the lifeless body of his brother and at the same time, he receives a text from a random person and it says 

“Daniel didn’t do it!” Steve is in shock as his eyes well up with tears. He understands that he has made a terrtible mistake and that his brother is innocent. Now he is going to have to live with the fact, that he killed his brother, for the rest of his life. Steves feels empty. He knows now that he has to run and get out of there. He leaves and runs back home. 

Once he steps foot in the door, he is greeted by Ralph, wagging his tail and not knowing what Steve had just done. They wind down for the night, and after some time of Steve and Ralph laying in bed, Steve notices a creek in the front door. He gets up and quickly grabs one of his pistols from his safe, he opens the door from his bedroom and turns left outside into the hallway. He makes it 2 paces down when he is shot in the back Five times. He falls to the ground and then leans over to see his father standing over his body. Steve gasps for air as he bleeds out and dies.

The author's comments:

This was very fun to write

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