Beauty, Brains, Boyfriends and Blood! | Teen Ink

Beauty, Brains, Boyfriends and Blood!

May 14, 2024
By marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
marleykate GOLD, Paris, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On January 2nd, it was the first day of school in the new year. That means new year, new semester, new classes, new people, and new gossip for the popular kids. I was not a popular kid, I’m still not. I won’t ever be. The hot gossip for the popular kids was about Isabella and Tate. They were all anyone could talk about. It was annoying. This was a first for Tate, since he had never claimed any of the girls he had ever been with. He just kinda waited for them to come to him and then he would fool around with them and then dump them. No one ever knew when Tate was talking to a new girl, but I did. It’s easy to watch everything in other people's life  when you don’t have anything happening in your own life. It was different with Izzie though. Tate proudly claimed her. He was actually the one whose idea it was. No one knows that of course.

We were having lunch. The food was nasty, the book I was reading was uninteresting, and all I had were me and my thoughts sitting at that lunch table. I don’t really have any real friends. The thoughts going through my head was to warn Izzie about Nate. Someone needed to. She was sitting at the big lunch table which was the first sign to not go forth with the plan my brain had scrounged up. It was weird sitting so far away from them, but still knowing more about them than anyone there. I guess I knew more stuff about them, because I sat far away. I didn’t get blinded by all the eyeshadow and fake makeup.

That’s when it all happened, I dropped the napkin and everything started. Scribbled on a stained napkin were the words ‘get out now…while you still can’ pretty catchy right. I’m good with writing. The thing was Izzie never said anything about the napkin, so I pulled her to the side the next morning. 

“Did you get the napkin?” I asked her. Knowing she got the napkin, but she just didn’t want to respond. 

“Duh, I’m not blind. Don’t ever try to kill anyone, you're pretty bad about being nonchalant.” Izzie always had this ‘I’m better than everyone else here’ attitude.


“Look, just meet me at the town coffee shop this afternoon.” It was a hot shot getting her to go, but it was worth a shot. She goes there pretty much everyday to begin with, so it wasn’t like she might not have already had plans to go there anyway. The long shot was getting her down and talk to me. Talk to us. 

When I got there, the meeting had already started and everyone was already talking. About me. When she got there though, she looked like she had just seen the world’s worst fashion show. That’s how she was though. If everyone wasn’t wearing the most popular brand that was in the in, there was a fat chance of getting her to talk to you. I feel like sitting in the back, I have been watching this whole story through her eyes. Through everyone else’s eyes, but mine. 

We told her all about our club and everything we do. She thought we were crazy at first. I can’t say I blame her, I would have to. The thing was once we started talking you could see the fear in her eyes, when we started talking about things that had happened to her, that she never would have that about being anything out of the ordinary. The thing is, the things that were most normal to her, were the most out of the ordinary. Tate just made her think otherwise. You could see it in her eyes. Betrayal. Manipulation. Anger. Frustration. Self-doubt. All the feelings were rolling through her head and all she could do was stand there. She looked like she was about to vomit. I threw up the first time I talked to the girl. However, Izzie Zie would never be caught dead throwing up or ever feeling bad. It just wouldn’t be her way. Eventually, she sat down, and we explained. 

“Izzie, I know you don’t want to be here but I’m glad you came,” Izzie rolled her eyes at the start of the speech, “but I want you to know that we are here to help you. In whatever way possible it is that you need we are all here for you.” 

“Okay, but how do I break up with Tate? No one has ever done it before.” I was surprised Izzie even asked, I was surprised she was considering us as real friends. Well, at least real people. 

“It’s okay, we can come up with something. We will have to make a plan.” I said this very heroically thinking it would be like a movie scene. Izzie did not pick up the hint that this was supposed to be my moment to shine. I was quickly interrupted by her snarky attitude.

“Why are you doing that with your face and why is your chin up so high and why are you talking that and why did you use the word plan and not just tell me what we are going to do. Why did I sit down with y'all?” Izzie makes me want to do very bad things, but I will not. Simply because I am better than her and we all know it. She can take her sassy attitude, go try to break up with Nate, and get drowned for all I care. That wasn’t true at all. I actually ended up coming up with a really great plan, and it was time to take the plan into action. 

Whenever she went to go and try to break up with Nate, he refused art first. Then, he got upset. He started walking closer and closer toward her. She had made it clear that they were over, but he didn’t stop moving closer to her. It wasn’t in an intentional way. It was almost like he couldn’t help it. The worst part was that she didn’t notice that, I think she thought he was going to hurt her. I think he was going to hurt her. At that moment I knew I had to do something. I didn’t know what to do, but then suddenly Tate was on the ground and I had a gun in my hand. I heard screaming, but it was faint. My brain felt like I was drowning, I felt dizzy. I could feel myself losing myself at that moment. I didn’t know what to think, for the first time in my life I didn’t have the answers. I didn’t know what to do, or how to find out what to do. Suddenly, Izzie knew exactly what to do. 

“Did you drive here?” I can hear Izzie ask me and I knew the answer, but I just couldn’t formulate the answer. The answer. Right. Yes.

“Um, yeah, I did.” I honestly wasn’t quite sure if anything had actually come out of my mouth, but I knew that was all she was going to get out of me. “I brought my moms car.” That was when it hit me. Izzie’s plan was to drive Tate, the person I just shot, somewhere and dump him to rot so no one could ever find him. 

“Katie, go get the car!” I started to go get the car, but I couldn’t help but ask…

 “Izzie, was I right for doing this? Was he hurting you? Did he deserve this? Did he deserve to be sh…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. 

“Yes Katie. Yes you were. You did the right thing, now let me do the right thing, and cover this up. Now…” There was a slight pause as though she wanted to say more, but she just couldn’t “Go get the car. Okay, Katie?” I shook my head and went to get the car. Once I got the car we drove out to the bridge. Izzie drowned his body under water and killed him again. We went back to the house and cleaned everything up. We went back to Katie’s  house. That night changed my life forever. My grades dropped, I turned into Izzie and no one knew my secret.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a class assignment but ending up actually really liking the story.

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