Shoe Adventure | Teen Ink

Shoe Adventure

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

It starts when I take off my shoes when I come home. When I come home from school I take off my normal day shoes. Nike shoes of any kind. Nikes have a mind of their own. One day I was taking off my shoes to go grab a snack, I noticed that my shoes were gone. Later that day I was thinking about if my dog took them or if I just was having a no brain day. Then all of the sudden I see my shoes wobbling around in my basement. They looked like they were in an elementary play. They were trying to get out of my door. I was a little creeped out but I moved on. I went to practice and when I came home I took off my cleats. Now my cleats were a lot smarter and ran right through the door that I left open. As they were going down the street, I could hear them  making clicky clacky noises. My normal Nikes started to chase them. This was bad, Now both of my shoes are gone. I went to bed that night and as I was sleeping I heard my door creak, eeeeeech. I got scared but then realized it was my shoes. Tomorrow morning was a fun morning, I realized that my nikes had a scary and sensitive personality and my cleats had a smart and fun personality. This would go on for a while. One day I could smell a smell that would make your nose twitch. It was so bad. I walked over to my cleats and I could see the air turn brown and flies fly around them. I finally decided I would have to have them take a bath. Of course my cleats were not on board with that and tried to make several exits. None of them worked. Once they were done with the bath they still smelled pretty bad but they were smelling better. I brought them over to my front door and placed them right next to the nikes. Later that night, my Nikes wandered over to my side, they were tapping so hardly I knew something was wrong. My Nikes turned around and with a brief pause, dashed out the door and turned the corner towards the store. I immediately knew it was the smell again. I grabbed my cleats and felt around looking for anywhere with a dirty patch. I had just got done feeling around the shoe when the nikes dashed through the door, they came so fast I could see the dust kick up behind him. The smell was getting so bad I could taste the smell in my mouth. My Nike shoes grabbed some odor spray out of the bag and started clicking the top, spraying it all over cleats. I grabbed the nikes and gave them a big hug, finally we wouldn’t have to smell that smell,..........................................for now.

The author's comments:

This piece is a thriller about shoe lovers and what could happen in the future.

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