The Rise of Sin | Teen Ink

The Rise of Sin

May 20, 2024
By graines SILVER, Bloomville, Ohio
graines SILVER, Bloomville, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be still and know that I am God." ~Psalm 46:10

“Princeps Tenebrae regnabit!

Princeps Tenebrae regnabit!

Princeps Tenebrae regnabit!”

The chanting echoed down the long hallway. Repeating the six sick words, “The Prince of Darkness will reign!” Yet another cult looking to harm those by using the devil himself. I turned the corner, revealing a stained glass window of demons swarming over a little girl devouring parts of her flesh. My God, these are disgusting people. May God help them before I burn this whole place to the ground.

At the end of the hallway in the nave, they were huddled in the shape of a pentagram, repeating the words. A coppery fume consumed my nostrils. Toward the center of the star, there appeared to be a thick crimson pool. Thirty deflated pale bodies scattered around the room, and twenty-six were living members of the cult. Vapors started to arise, and the pool began to bubble. A blood-red smoke began to coat the members. There is no way I will let these pigs summon the devil today.

I do not believe in destiny. God chose a path for every human, and your faith determines if that path will be the one he wants you to follow or if you go a different route. These people clearly ended up on a different route. God would never want such a sickness to occur. People like these believe God abandoned them because he did not give them everything they wanted in life, but God did not want that of them. I do not know how to save the world from these unholy people and the selfish creature they wish to uproot, but I know I must.

With the smoke covering each member. It allowed me a shield to sneak around and quickly snap each neck. Ten members fell before the smoke started to let up, and I needed to hide. Then, a man wearing a crown of horns walked straight into the boiling crimson pool. The chanting became louder and a bright light began to form. I grabbed a crucifix and ran to the closest member smacking him straight in the temple. He toppled to the floor. 

As I continued attacking these horrible people the pool would boil less and less when a member fell. But then they started fighting back. One of the cloaked hands ripped me around by my long black ponytail. I could get out, but the more I killed the harder they fought back. A blow to my ribs came from a cane taking my breath away. I fell and when I did I knew there was no correcting that mistake.

Six members grabbed me dragging me towards the pit. I tried to fight back, but they overpowered me. All I wanted to do was defend God, defend my faith, defend the righteous people, but now I will only help as a sacrifice to the evil thing I was trying to stop. With no regret, they threw me in the pit, and my vision clouded mimicking the hideous crimson fading to black.

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