Shadows of Blackwood Asylum | Teen Ink

Shadows of Blackwood Asylum

June 12, 2024
By Anonymous

The fog rolled in thick, suffocating the narrow streets of Blackwood. Detective Anna Clarke walked briskly, her coat wrapped tightly around her to ward off the night’s chill. A string of unsolved disappearances had haunted the town for months, and tonight, she felt closer to a breakthrough.


The most recent victim, Laura Simmons, had vanished from her home without a trace. Laura’s husband, Tom, was inconsolable when Anna had interviewed him, but something about his demeanor had set off alarm bells. He was hiding something.


Anna’s instincts led her to the old Blackwood Asylum, abandoned for decades but rumored to be a hotspot for illicit activities. Its gothic architecture loomed ominously against the moonlit sky. She approached the rusty gate, its hinges squealing in protest as she pushed it open. 


Inside, the air was thick with decay and neglect. Her flashlight cut through the darkness, illuminating broken furniture and graffiti-covered walls. As she ventured deeper, a faint sound echoed through the halls. It was a low, rhythmic thudding.


Her heart pounded as she followed the noise, her senses on high alert. The sound led her to the basement, where the air was damp and cold. She found a heavy, metal door slightly ajar, with light seeping from the edges.


Pushing the door open, Anna found herself in a small room. In the center, a man was tied to a chair, his head slumped forward. The rhythmic thudding was his foot tapping against the floor. She recognized him instantly—Tom Simmons.


Before she could react, a figure stepped out of the shadows, a knife glinting in their hand. It was Laura, her eyes wild and desperate.


"Laura, what are you doing?" Anna demanded, her voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through her veins.


"He was going to kill me," Laura said, her voice trembling. "He...he kept me locked up, tortured me. I escaped and came here. I needed to make sure he couldn’t hurt anyone else."


Anna moved cautiously, her eyes never leaving Laura. "Put the knife down, Laura. We can help you, but you need to let me take him in."


Laura hesitated, her grip on the knife tightening. "He’ll lie. He’ll say I’m crazy. They always do."


Anna slowly reached for her handcuffs. "I believe you, Laura. But this isn’t the way. Let me help you."


Tears streamed down Laura’s face as she finally lowered the knife. Anna swiftly handcuffed her and called for backup. As officers arrived to take over, Anna glanced at the pair—Tom, the deceptive tormentor, and Laura, the desperate survivor.


Back at the station, as Anna filed her report, she couldn’t shake the feeling that this case was far from over. The shadows of Blackwood Asylum held many secrets, and she knew this was only the beginning.

The author's comments:

I love writing fiction, mystery, and thriller stories that keep readers excited and guessing. Sharing my stories brings me great joy, as I aim to give others enjoyable and thrilling reading experiences.

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