The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

November 5, 2012
By SoftballGirl6 BRONZE, Morganville, New Jersey
SoftballGirl6 BRONZE, Morganville, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For those of you who have ever fallen in love with a character in a book" - Allison Van Diepen

“If I ever die, Abby, I want to be buried at dusk in a glossy black casket with red cushions in it. And that blue dress I like…with a pearl necklace on a bed of white rose petals.”
“Oh shut up, Kylie. That’s never going to happen,” I said right before we went to sleep.
That was our exact conversation the night she went missing. One month later, there she was, in that glossy black casket with red cushions, that blue dress she liked with a pearl necklace around her neck, and on a bed of white rose petals. I stood in front of her wearing my black dress, the same one I wore at my dad’s funeral, with a black rose in my hands. The same black rose that will be placed under her hands when she is buried.
I never thought that it would actually happen to her, or to anyone I love. I never thought I would happen to Kylie Green, my best friend and the girl who made my normal life, a living hell.

The author's comments:
This is my first piece and its only a little excerpt from the whole thing. Please give any constructive criticism you think will help me with my writing. Thanks.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 23 2012 at 9:31 pm
this is amazing.. just better right more soon!!!