The Night my Life Changed | Teen Ink

The Night my Life Changed

June 27, 2013
By BooImAPenguin BRONZE, Vidor, Texas
BooImAPenguin BRONZE, Vidor, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I still remember his face, the appearance, his charming blue eyes, and bright smile. There was rarely a time when he wasn’t smiling, But that one night, the last night I got to see him, my boyfriend, Niall was happy as could be, it was our project graduation. That night is the night that my life changed, forever.

We were dancing on the dance floor and Niall looks to the far right corner of the room and this look of terror arose upon his face. “Niall, what’s wrong?” I asked. “Nothing” he replied. I thought to myself what’s going on what happened, what’s over there that is so frightening? Maybe it wasn’t something but somebody? He never answered.

Later that night the same thing happened but this time Niall took off running. Claire, Aubrey and I searched for almost three hours and finally we found him in the upstairs portion of the school. “Thanks guys, can we have some time alone?” I asked. “Niall what is happening?” “It’s my aunt, the one that has been in jail for trying to kill me when I was three. She’s here and I don’t know why.”
“Its okay” I replied. Let’s just go back to my house. He walked me to my doorstep gave me a tender kiss and said “goodnight Sadi, love you” “goodnight love you too” I answered.

I had just gotten in my pajamas and was lying in bed when I heard my phone ringing. I picked up the phone looking at the number, “I don’t recognize this number? Maybe it is the school?” “Hello? “Hello Sadi it’s the UK Police, Niall has been murdered.” “Nooo!” I screamed as I burst into tears. Why him? I loved him.
A few months later after my heart was almost fully over him I remember thinking to myself, “this was the hardest thing I have ever had to face!”

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