Stay with me | Teen Ink

Stay with me

September 8, 2013
By Natagirl SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Natagirl SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Your good for nothing!" she yelled at me as she kicked shin, I fell to the ground and covered my bruised face with my hands. "Your nothing but a mistake!" she screamed as she kicked me in the face, I felt the warm blood from my nose drip onto my hands. I had taken so much beatings from her there was no chance that I would survive. And with one last stomp, crushing my fingers she turned and left me. "Please" I begged through my tears although there was no chance of her hearing me "Please stay" I cried "Mom.." And I closed my eyes and waited for gods arms to carry me up to him and hoped that heaven will give some love to a little boy that desperately needed it.

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