the consequences of life | Teen Ink

the consequences of life

November 18, 2013
By Anonymous

The Consequences of life.
In died at such a young age. 17 years old. I had my whole life ahead of me, I had dreams and promise. Now all that has been taken away from me. Someone killed me and I don’t know how or why. But I have to figure it out.
“Claire wake up!” that’s not how I like to start my mornings, with my mother yelling at me to get out of bed. I open my eyes to my semi dark room and turn my head over to my alarm clock which again I must have shut off in my sleep. Its 6:20 I over slept. I pull back the warm covers and the cold air hits my body like a slap in the face. I shiver and walk over and turn on my bedroom light and turn on my radio and start getting ready for school.
It’s finally Friday and everyone is excited for the football game tonight, but not me. Who really wants to go sit outside in the freezing cold and watch guys tackle each other over a stupid odd shaped ball all night? I really don’t. But my friends have been getting on me about not being myself lately so I better make an appearance and be happy for a night.
Its only fourth block and I have the worse headache and I’m nauseas, if I just make it through this block then its lunch and I’ll feel better. This always happens in this block, I don’t know if it’s because I’m hungry, or the floor pattern, or is it because he’s in this class with me. I peek over my shoulder and I see him laughing with his friends having a good time while I’m over here not. This is great. I just have to keep it together for 29 more minutes and then class is over.
The game had already started and me and my friends were standing and cheering for our team, when he showed up. Harry Con and his friends. Harry and I used to be friends but a lot has changed. Sophomore year he left our school and went to this private school, which happens to be the school that we are playing tonight so he’s really excited. I turn to my best friend Tess and exchange that look when we both notice that Harry is here. I just try my best to ignore him for the night. We all went out to eat after the game, and that’s the last thing I remember before waking up like this.
Its torture having to be stuck like this watching my friends and family think there is hope to find me alive. The police put out an amber alert for me, which is how Tess found out.
“Clair Zander a 17 year old female teenager has been reported missing. She stands at 5 foot 6 and weighs 120 pounds, she has curly blonde hair and blue eyes, and she has freckles on her face and a scar on her left knee. She attended Green Grove high school. She was last seen at the High school football game last Friday night leaving the stadium with her friends. If you have any information of the wear about of Clair please call the local police department.”
I started to relive the last night I was alive.
I felt my phone buzz on the table at the restraint. I opened the text message. It was from him, he told me I looked good at the game tonight. I didn’t want to be used like that by him again. I answer saying thank you. I return to the conversation with my friends and I decided not to tell them who texted me. Just then my phone buzzed again he wanted to meet with me tonight. I felt rage rush through my body as I remembered what happened between us the last time. I decided to go and meet him just to tell him how I feel. He just can’t treat people the way he treated me.
I drove to the park. Our meeting place. He wasn’t there yet. I wondered if it was a set up just to see if I would show up. I see headlights in my rear view mirror. The sky is pitch dark. The only light we have is from the parking lot lights and out headlights. I turn off my car and get out. So does him. We meet in between the two cars.
“What do you want?” I say,
“I don’t know” He says as he shrugs his shoulders
“Then why did you ask to see me?” I start to use my mean voice
“Come here.”
“You’re such an ass.”
“How? Because your little feelings got hurt last time?”
“You are such a little prick! You don’t know anything. You try to be just like your friends, treating girls like trash and trying to fit in at a school that you don’t even go to! When are you going to learn and grow up!?” My heart is racing at this point.
“What are you talking about!?”
“I’m talking about you going around and using girls, more than one at one time and then throwing them away when you get what you want and then when you want more you sweet Talk them and expect them to come back and give you more. That’s going to happen with me anymore.”
“I don’t do that.” I can see he is starting to get mad and defensive.
“Yes you do, did you ever think the reason why you can never stay friends with your ex-girlfriends is not because of them it’s because of you. You are such a little b**** your worse than a little girl who didn’t get things her way so she wines about it. Grow the f*** up and leave me alone!”
I had turned around to walk back to my car when I felt a massive headache instantly. I fell to the ground. I put my hand on the back of my head where I felt the pain and then looked at my hand and saw blood, I glanced back to see Harry with a rock in his hand, I was still alive, I tried to get up and run away but he continued to hit and kick me. Until the next thing I knew I was like this.
In the nest week the police find my body and decide the cause of death. My friends and family were struck with sorrow. I attended my own funeral, Harry was there.
“Everything that I said before I still believe is true and I’m not taking it back, I hope the only good thing that comes out of my death is that you realize that your actions have consequences that you can’t take back.” I turn and walk away from my old life hoping to start a new beginning.

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