Matches. | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By UnconventionalNormalcy BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
UnconventionalNormalcy BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

Have you ever lit a match and just watched the fire dance around until the heat got too close to your finger and you let it die with a fizzle beneath your shoe. There’s an almost therapeutic quality to watching a match burn.
Its different with people.
When you light a match on fire there is hardly a sound, save for the scratch and flash at first, then there’s just a steady flow of heat, hungrily cascading down to your waiting flesh. No one feels bad when they light a match on fire. Watching it burn up the thin piece of cardboard gives you a sense of power, however delusional it may seem to onlookers, the feeling is there.
Its different with people.
When you light a match on fire, try to ignore the smell of fat baking in the air. Remember that your neighbor is having a cookout and don’t turn around. The heat warming your back is just the sun, pay no mind to the clouds just focus on the dry leaves under your feet as you keep your steady pace and don’t turn around. Those unnervingly loud squealing sounds are just coming from the match you left ,still burning, on the ground behind you. You have more in your pocket so you still have some company as you walk alone and isn't it nice that match’s don’t make noise?

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