November 20, 2013
By Nowyouseeme BRONZE, Easely, South Carolina
Nowyouseeme BRONZE, Easely, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's no such thing as a good day, only days when the world gives you a break.

Note found in the crate

Dear Stranger,
I don’t know how in the world you found this or why you have it in the first place, but the fact is that you managed to find where I hid that crate. I’m just warning you, if you value your sanity and safety just put it somewhere were no one else will find it. I hid the tapes, the camera, the writings, I hid it all for a good reason. If you think that this is just some kind of weird joke, then the more you look at these things, the more you’ll realize that this is all very much real. I went through all of this, this horror.
Once again, put it somewhere no one else will find it. I don’t know who you are, but I don’t want to be responsible for what happens.


July 17, xxxx

Journal Entry 1
March 18, xxxx

Finally found this old thing, and I thought that I’d put it to good use after what’s been going on for the past week. My dad always told me to write down what ever was bothering me, so I’m going to take his advice about that now.

I’m Lily Parkens, a graphic design student who recently started college at the time I’m writing this down. And I swear that my roommate is going insane.

Alan is a film student, who actually makes some pretty good stories and has always loved telling me some, but what he told me earlier, around Monday I think, was just crazy.

I’d been drawing in my sketchbook for a project that was coming up when he came rushing in, locking the door behind him and peeking out the window. He’d gone out to film a documentary for an assignment he’d gotten recently, and normally he was constantly excited about being able to actually make a film. But the paranoid look on his face told me something was seriously up.

“What’s wrong?” I’d asked, putting down the charcoal and raising an eyebrow at him.

“Something’s out there.” He’d answered, remaining silent for the next hour while I just went back to work. Around dinner, he finally got up and came into the dining room where I was sitting down to eat.

“It’s gone.” He said, sitting down next to me.

“What’s gone?”

“The thing that’d been following me since I left the park. It’s gone.”

“What was following you from the park?” I stared at him, deciding to play along for a bit.

“Somebody wearing a trench coat and some kind of mask. They were standing outside the window just…Watching me when I was over there. I closed my eyes for about a second, and next thing I knew, they were gone.”

He didn’t talk to me the rest of the night, but over the next few days, he was extremely paranoid. Locking the doors and windows constantly, staying up for longer than necessary just to look outside, always looking over his shoulder when ever we were outside.

And I never saw the person in the mask and trench coat myself, but Alan insists that he does.

Have to go now, Alan’s shivering by the window. I’m going to record us talking and take the tape to a doctor for some proof that he needs a bit of help.

Recording 1
Lily: Alan, what the heck is going on?
Lily: Alan, talk to me buddy. What’s wrong?
Alan: It’s there. It’s right there.
Lily: The person in the mask again?
Alan: Just look. Just look!
*rustling sounds, then an audible gasp from Lily*
Lily: Well, that’s more than just a bit creepy…
Alan: Close the curtain! Close the curtain!
*more rustling, then the sound of choked sobs*
Alan: It’s just standing there everyday watching me! Each time I come home it stands there out in the driveway just staring as though it’s waiting for something!
Lily: Alan, calm down. It could be Joe pulling a prank on you. If you ignore it, he’ll tell his buddy out there to stop and then it’s all over with.
Alan: Then how does it know that my room’s on the second floor with the oak outside?! I never told Joe that. It goes there in the branches at night and stares at me! It just sits there and stares! And to make things worse, each night it gets closer and closer to the window!
Lily: Alan, if you want, the next time they show up, I’ll go out there and tell them to stop it.
*rustling sounds*
Lily: See? They’re gone.
Alan: They’ll be back to-

Journal entry 2
March 20, xxxx

I listened to the recording while Alan went out to film, and the fact that there was nothing but static at the end tells me that I might need to get a new recorder. The thing is, Alan was telling me the truth. There is somebody watching him, and now… I think they’re watching me too.

I couldn’t record the conversation I had with it. I actually mean her, the coat and jacket wouldn’t let me tell what gender the person was, but her voice gave it away. But, they are very much real.

I saw her in the driveway, almost like she was waiting for Alan to come home. I’d stormed out there, ready to give her what for just because she was creeping both Alan and I out. She just stared at me while I yelled, not saying a single word until I finished.

She handed me a tape, and said “Not for your eyes.” In this really quiet voice, blinking those different colored eyes at me. First the red one closed, then the green, then both opened again. I blinked a couple of times, wondering what was with the red eye, only to find that she was gone, the tape still in my hands.

On the label, in basically chicken scratch, somebody wrote ‘for Alan’ on there. I don’t care if it is meant for him, I’m not letting my roommate watch some video from a woman who’d been creeping on him.

And the bad thing is, she’s right outside my window while I’m writing this, and that mask is not made out of paper or wood or plastic. It’s actual black fur with the designs dyed red.

Video 1
*static with small bits of audio cutting in, then the screen goes black for a minute, then finally the actual video. The woman with the wolf mask stands in the park, the coat having red splatters all over it, her white hair matted and tangled*
Woman: Not yours t-
*static, then the woman is closer to the camera*
Woman: Replace-
*more static, then she’s right in front of it*
Woman: To the tower. Mine, not-
*last bit of static, then the screen fades to black*

Note on second video

I put this together from clips I’d taken from cameras Alan put on the windows and the door. What I saw was shocking to say the least. All I can explain is this. That woman is not alone, and she knows how to get in.

Video 2
Time: 2:30 A.M., March 24, xxxx
*shows the front door of the house, no audio is heard, and no one at first is there*
*The woman is at the door, slowly opening it and going inside. The frames cut a bit at the bottom*
*Cuts to a camera in the dining room, the woman walking in and staring at the camera*
*She’s right in front of it, a steak knife raised towards it*
*black, then cuts to a camera in Alan’s room, where he’s sleeping at his desk*
*static again, then someone different is standing behind him, going through his bag*
*Cuts to a camera at the back door, where the woman is standing outside, waiting for someone*
*static for the rest of the video*

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