Horrible Dream | Teen Ink

Horrible Dream

December 13, 2013
By Anonymous

I feel like someones watching me. I’m trembling with fear. I’m home alone. My brother is at his friends house. My parents are out of town. I hear a knock at the door. “Hello?” I question. “Anyone there?” I decide its nothing so I watch some T.V., it’s all halloween specials. It is only a couple days until halloween. While watching T.V. the dog starts barking like crazy. I turn around to see what she was barking at. I see a shadow in the mirror. It’s moving closer and closer.
I grab the phone and run upstairs to my bedroom. I lock the door run to my closet and hide in there. Once I sit down, I try to call my mother. No answer. I call my father. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. No answer. “Come on!” I whispered. There was only one person I could call. My brother. I called my brother and it went straight to voicemail. I sat there trying to call them over and over again but they wouldn’t answer.
After minutes of no one answering, I call the police. “Hello?” I stammered. “There is a strange figure in my house.” A few minutes later the police came to my house and they are dressed weirdly. They have big bulging eyes and sharp teeth. I tried talking to them but they were just moaning. “Aren’t you supposed to be helping me?” I inquired. They mumbled words I couldn’t understand. When I got a closer look I knew they weren’t the police. They were monsters. I yelled “Help! Help!” and ran away. I dashed out of my house and tried to go to my neighbors house. I pounded on their door and yelled. My face is pouring with sweat. They are chasing me so I run behind a bush and I see them run by with a flashlight in their hands. The light from the flashlight shined in my eyes as they searched for me. After a while I could barely see the light in the distance. I finally lost them. I’m breathing really hard and trembling with fear. I’m trying to keep calm under a bush. Then I hear someone calling my name. “Kary!” “Kary!” They pull me out of the bush and I open my eyes and my brother is waking me up from a horrible dream. “It was only a dream…” I slowly cried.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as a short story.

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