THe ghost of Nathaniel Jones | Teen Ink

THe ghost of Nathaniel Jones

March 11, 2014
By MarissaB12 BRONZE, Altoona, Iowa
MarissaB12 BRONZE, Altoona, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Pencils have eraser, because evrybody makes mistakes!

It all started on a cold, dark night, the winds howling like a coyote at sunrise. “Wow, and people really think these woods are haunted, eh?” Chuckled Elise to her friend Hannah. For many years stories had been told about vicious things living in the woods. No one dared to go into the woods until a year after the stories died down. It was a kid by the name of Nathaniel Jones who a couple years ago was dared to go sleep in the woods for a night. Rumor has it that the “beast” got him, because the next morning a couple of joggers found his mangled, bloody body wrapped in his sleeping bag with bite like marks covering his face.

“ Do you even remember those stories, Elise?” asked Hannah trembling with fright. “Ya, but I don't actually believe them. Our parents are just trying to scare us” Scoffed Elise to Hannah. “Ok, I guess so, at least their isn't any creepy noises out here because then I would be really freaked out” sighed Hannah quietly. As if on cue there was a loud sound of cracking twigs. “ It's the ghost of Nathaniel Jones, he's coming back for revenge” Elise mocked in a spooky voice. Without taking any sudden steps both the girls shined their flashlights all around them. “ I seek revenge on those who didn't come to help me the night I died a horrid death in these very woods” cooed a soft, gentle voice. Before anyone had time to react Hannah quickly dropped her flashed light and took off as fast as she could towards home.

I'll keep going and prove to those cowards at school that I'm up for anything thought Elise to herself. Turing to face the deep woods that confronted her, Elise started walking swiftly towards the edge of the woods. As she got deeper into the woods she noticed a faint light in the distance, that seemed to get closer the more she walked. When she finally got closer to the light she realized it was coming from the window of a small, rickety, wooden cabin. Quick as a lightning bolt she ran up to the door, fist held high in the air as she got ready to knock. Suddenly a thought ran through Elise's mind “ I don't know who lives here, I could be putting myself in danger.” Impuslively she knocked firmly on the door.

With no answer at all after five minutes Elise proceeded to creep cautiously in. Looking around the small, furnished cabin she saw a nice fire going and a plain but comfy bed. Slamming the door quickly to get out of the cold she heard a gasp. Turning her body around to face the corner of the cabin she saw a small, frail, pale looking body huddling in the corner. “ I'm Elise who are you?” asked Elise cautiously towards the figure in the corner. As the figure attempted to sit up she noticed he was a boy that looked a few years older than herself.

“He'll be back any second! He seeks revenge on us all”, sputtered the boy. Scared to death of the boys warnings Elise slowly backed away as if he had some kind of contagious disease. Noticing that the kid was pale as chalk and could use some food, she started digging through the fridge in search of something to make. In no time at all Elise had spruced up a nice, home cooked meal large enough for both of them to enjoy. After some time of coaxing, and reassuring that everything was safe Elise got the boy to sit down and eat at the table with her.

Breaking the silence he started talking. “ My name is Nathaniel. I've lived out here for about three years but I was forced to take action”, he said calmer than the first time. With wide eyes and her head spinning with so many questions, Elise set down her fork and gazed intently at Nathaniel. With a startled look on her face Elise said “ What is your last name Nathaniel? I believe I know you”. Answering at the same time they both whispered out “ Jones”. As Elise's chair fell over she stifled a yawn. “ It's best if I get some sleep now” she whispered leerily to Nathaniel. As she settled into the nice, cozy bed one thought kept pounding into the back of her mind, “ I'm in the same room as a dead man” Trying to shake all horrifying, stray thoughts aside she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Even with the sun shining through her window, and the smell of eggs wafting from the kitchen Elise knew it was going to be a wonderful, but eventful day. “Why good morning sleeping beauty, sleep well?” Nathaniel asked the half awake Elise who was stumbling to the kitchen table for breakfast. After eating a delicious breakfast Elise and Nathaniel sat down to talk. “ I deserve an explanation, I know that for sure, I mean you should be dead right?” Elise said raising her voice. Breaking down Nathaniel told the whole story from beginning to end. “It all started with me running away from home, I ran and ran, when I came across this little cabin, which I now call home” he said staring off in space.

“So if it wasn't your body they found, whose was it?” asked Elise interrupting the story. “ It was a man I found in the woods, he apparently used to live in this cabins without any protection” sighed Nathaniel sadly. “ Okay then, that's sad but it still doesn't explain the bite marks all over his face, I actually did read up on this ya know” smiled Elise. Taking a deep breath Nathaniel said “ I assume he went hunting one day and the coyotes finally got him”. Still confused on why Nathaniel ran away in the first place Elise pressed on. “ So let me guess momma's boy got a little tired of home” Elise smirked.

Suddenly getting quiet, then Nathaniel screamed “ this is not a joke it was a life or death situation”! After apologizing Elise soon went on to learn that Nathaniel was getting severely abused, and after going to the police several times decided to run away. “ Since my parents didn't miss me too much, they claimed that body as mine even though they knew it wasn't me” sniffled Nathaniel, his eyes welling up with tears. “So there really isn't a ghost haunting these woods, ya know, since your not really dead?” asked a confused Elise. “ Haha no” scoffed Nathaniel pulling out a megaphone from behind the sofa. “So why did you say he's coming back to seek revenge, when I first found you” asked Elise. “Well I thought maybe I could still scare you into leaving, but your way to smart for that” Nathaniel said with a wink.

“It's been you all along, and it is pretty clever, but why?” Elise asked Nathaniel. “ Well I wanted everyone to think I was dead so I didn't go to jail for running away. I also wanted to pretend these woods were haunted so no one would stumble across the humble abode I have here” Nathaniel squeaked out suddenly feeling guilty. “ Wait until people in town here about this, you'll be the talk for weeks.” squealed Elise excitingly. After some talking Nathaniel decided to turn himself over to the police in hope of finding a new, real home. I can see the headlines now, boy survives for four years in the woods on his own, Elise thought to herself. Gazing at each other with the smile of a job well done both Nathaniel and Elise knew they were going to have a lot of explaining to do. After heading back to town and letting everyone hear the exciting news the things started to settle down. Finally after a week or two of knowing about Nathaniel the State came to a decision about where he should stay. It was decided he would stay with Elise and her family. “ Now you can truly have a real family again, once we adopt you” said Elise to Nathaniel happily. With that they headed off together to start another adventure.

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