Forever | Teen Ink


March 13, 2014
By SilverUnicorn BRONZE, Mount Forest, Other
SilverUnicorn BRONZE, Mount Forest, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anything by Oscar Wilde

She had seemed different to Sam. Of course, she was pretty, there was no denying her beauty. However, what set her apart from others was that when she caught him staring, she would look him right in the eye and smile at him. When she did, it was like Sam’s lungs had floated into his throat; he could not breathe, all he could do was sit frozen by her radiance. She was the one for him. He felt it in the way her gaze locked with his.

Sam did not need to ask to know she felt the same, and not just because he was dashingly handsome, immensely popular and center forward on the varsity soccer team, but because of the energy between them that was practically tangible.

It was not long before he was buying her coffee in the morning and dropping it off at her room before class or joining her at restaurants off campus. They would even watch movies together on Friday nights, although he would never really watch them. He was falling hard for this girl, that he knew. His feelings for her took his breath away. He wished there was a way to tell her, but he did not want to give himself away just yet. Instead he wrote poetry about her started collecting pictures of them together, even some candids of her when she was sitting, glowing in the sun. He decided to keep them in a box, to one day show her as a testament to his feelings.

His feelings only grew the night he finally stayed over. She had fallen asleep during the movie so he tucked her into bed; but, right as he was about to walk away she reached out to him in her sleep. So, he stretched out beside her and let her curl up against him, head on his chest. She was so warm for such a little thing. Somehow, he thought, she was even more beautiful when asleep. He brushed the hair from her face and let his hand rest on her cheek a little longer.

He spent all night like that, just admiring the little noises she made in her sleep and the way her eyelids fluttered when she dreamed. With every little thing she did, he fell even more in love. When the sun started to rise, he reluctantly slipped out of bed to get her coffee like he always did. It broke his heart to leave her but he had discovered his heaven and he intended to return soon. So it came to be, every night they would lie together, snuggled together in such a loving way that Sam knew he would happily sleep next to her every night for the rest of his life.

Then the dreaded summer started looming over Sam’s head like a guillotine’s blade. He knew if he could not bear to let her go home for the next four months without him. It was time to tell her how he felt. She was his whole world and he wanted to love her for the rest of his life.

She showed up on time, looking breathtaking as usual. He opened the door and let her in, taking her coat as she looked at him with curiosity. He led her through his apartment to his bed where he stooped and pulled out the box and handed it to her. She looked at him puzzled, but took the top off. She stared at the contents for a long time.

“I love that one,” he said pointing to a picture. “You’re so beautiful, like always.I know it is a lot to take in but I needed you to know how I feel about you. I love you.”

She started to back away but he quickly slid behind her, blocking her path. He put his hands up, palms out.

“Please, don’t leave,” he begged.

“This is my bedroom,” she repeated. “MY BED! And you’re in it! How...?” Her voice broke off in a sob. “Please, just let me go. I won’t call the police...just let me go.”

Sam was stricken. This was not how it was supposed to go. He reached into the box and pulled out a couple photos.

“See these?” he asked pushing them forward. “See how perfect we are together, see how much I love you? I have sat with you through every movie, walked home with you every day, lay with you every night for the past four months! Can’t you see? I love you with all my heart!”

Sam was getting frustrated. She was not understanding his love for her. She did not seem to understand the situation. She had to love him. She had to be different.

“One last chance. Tell me you love me. Please don’t end up like the others. Just tell me you love me!”

That is when she ran, Sam had stupidly traveled the floor whilst begging for her love and she once again had a clear pathway to the door. She would never make it though. They never did. As much as it pained Sam to do it, he could not let her leave. Not after everything he had done for her.

Later that night, Sam pulled a different box out from under his bed. He tore off the lid and gazed sadly at the pictures inside. He reached down to the floor and scooped up the one picture left of her. Despite her unfortunate demise, she would be close to him, forever. Sobbing quietly, he carefully placed her picture inside the box with the others and shut the lid.

The author's comments:
Things are not what they seem.

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