A Crime With A Twist | Teen Ink

A Crime With A Twist

April 10, 2014
By Edith Lopez BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Edith Lopez BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I need an ambulance, PLEASE....PLEASE HURRY”! “Okay sir I need you to calm down. What seems to be the situation”? “Sir”? “Hello”...

A couple weeks ago George Robinson dialed 911 demanding an ambulance, but before the operator could ask further questions she lost the call. As police arrived at the scene they saw that his home was completely totaled; furniture destroyed, windows broken. Then as they looked deeper in to the home they discovered a lifeless body which was not Robinson’s, but that of his wife.
Had Robinson murdered his wife? He was the main subject and now he was missing. So an investigation on Robinson’s whereabouts started by examining his life which was revealing. Robinson and his wife had been married only 6 months. She had not been his first wife, there were three others before her and they were all dead exactly 6 months after being married to him. The first one died in a car accident. The second drowned in the pool. The third fell down a flight of stairs and broke her neck, and his last one was poisoned according to the results from the autopsy. It’s insane how detectives never made a connection. All of these women had been murdered only to portray their deaths as accidents, but what was the reason for his murders?
Detectives were on the lookout for Robinson for days. That is until the police received a call. It was Robinson and he sounded hysterical. Police tracked the call and found Robinson in an old trailer out in the country; he appeared to have been hold hostage. Detectives took him for interrogation, only to hear that Robinson had not been married 4 but 5 times and that the one killing his wives was no one else but his very first wife Wanda Rogers.
Wanda had been killing George’s wives out of anger ever since he had divorced her 6 months after being married because she was a psychopath. However, he too thought his wive’s deaths had been accidents. That is until this last time when he got home to Wanda selling chocolates to his wife, he knew she had poisoned them so he told her to not buy them, but she had already tried a sample, and that was when he called 911.When he was in the middle of the call Wanda hit him the head with something and knocked him out, only to later wake up in the old rusty trailer.
Rogers had left Robinson there, and left the place but she was supposed to be back. Therefore detectives headed back to wait for her to arrive. They waited for her for a couple of hours then she got there…. Just when they thought they had her she spotted them and fled but the detectives went after her. Wanda was driving away so fast that they couldn’t catch up to her, and then there was a loud screech followed by a crash. Wanda had crashed into a building taking her own life.
The paramedics got to the collision scene and removed the body from the car while the detectives headed back to the police station. They had Robinson in custody to explain what had happened to Wanda. When they told him he had a creepy smirk on his face and said “you will get served what you deserve” and then they released him.
What the detectives didn’t know is that Robinson was a mastermind serial killer and he had plotted this whole thing step by step. Wanda Rogers was not ever his wife but the only woman who knew of his crimes so he needed to eliminate her from the map. The only reason she had driven away was because she was a drug dealer and most likely thought that she was going to get arrested, but who cares about Wanda right? She is gone and George Robinson is on the loose.

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