The Monster | Teen Ink

The Monster

May 1, 2014
By Joshua Patino BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
Joshua Patino BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart is racing as racing as I run from the thing that has been chasing me. Just three days ago while I was eating my breakfast the thing started chasing me. My name is Amanda Reges and I live in Plagonia. The elders say that the land ruled by our ancestors was called North America. Our government consists of the five wise elders that make all decisions. When an injured stray dog was found on the outskirts it was voted by the committee of elders to keep it in my house. My mother did not approve at first, but she had no choice. My mother is a healer who uses herbs and flowers to make things new. When the scraggly little guy came up to her with his broken leg she had to take him in.

The dog lived with us with us for a few months while his little leg healed. We even gave him a name “Splint” for the splint that was on his leg for five months. One day Splint got into the herb cabinet and ate all of them. We were worried and decide to keep a close eye on him. One day we noticed him getting bigger he had grown at least four inches overnight. The next day it was the same thing and so on for a month. Until Splint was over 10 feet tall! Not only had Splnt grown but he had changed color. His skin was a scaly green and his eyes had turned a sickly shade of yellow.

One night while I was sleeping I heard a roar and quickly realized that it had been Splint. The next morning while I was eating breakfast i heard a more mighty roar. Before I knew it my ears were ringing and I could feel the sticky mixture of blood and sweat trickling down my face. Splint had ploughed through the wall and hit me with the force of 20 bulls. I got up limping and put all my strength into a run. I crawled over the forbidden fence with a sign that read “Warning High Voltage”, but I was not worried the electricity had been turned off decades ago as a result of budget cuts.

I run and I run, but it is no use. Splint is slowly gaining on me despite the fact that the elders sent their most experienced warriors to fend off the monster. But it is no use. The warriors are all dead now and soon I will join them. I just hope that all of Plagonia remembers me and that the elders never make the same mistake again.

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