"Dad" | Teen Ink


April 29, 2014
By Anonymous

“Leo would you like me to pack your lunch?” asked Leo’s dad Jeff. He was a middle aged man going through his recent loss of his wife. Leo, his son, at an early age was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Factitious combined, making him only able to say one word.
“Dad.” responded Leo.

“Alright son, alright.”


Jeff packed two Pb&js, a sunny D, and some shark fruit snacks into a brown paper bag. He led Leo to the door and helped him put on his Dragon Ball Z backpack and with a hug, Leo was out the door on his way to school. Normally it took 15 minutes to walk to school, but Leo, although mentally retarded, he had a keen sense of the environment, and was able to discover a back route through an alleyway that cut the time in half.

Leo was making his way through the dark and eerie tight walls between the run down and ruined buildings and as he turned the second to last corner, he realized something was off. Leo stared down the alleyway and noticed two black figures, one with a knife. As he looked his mentally handicapped mind slowly started to understand the magnitude of the situation, someone was being murdered in front of Leo’s eyes. He noticed the murderers hand jerk back and forth into the victim’s chest over and over and instead of running for help, Leo was found to be completely unable to move. He tried moving his feet but couldn’t no matter how hard he tried.

“Dad.” Leo gasped.

The man with the knife turned violently and threw the knife aside and looked at Leo, dead in his tracks, obviously startled by him.


The man looked confused, and then, a sly grin started to appear across as he realized Leo was retarded.

He let out an evil and chilling laugh “You ain’t anything but a stupid boy! Get outta her idiot child.”

“Dad.” Leo tried to move but couldn’t.

“Boy don’t make me hurt you too, walk away now stupid.”

Leo did not move as he couldn’t, just like he couldn’t understand situation or what was about to happen. The murderer walked to his knife and picked it as he started walking towards Leo.

“Boy I ain’t going to tell you again. Best just leave right now you hear?” He approached closer and closer to Leo, the knife ready in his hand.

“Dad.” Leo responded.
The man grabbed Leo and threw him against the wall, than quickly put his knife to Leos throat.

“You get out of here kid, I ain’t no mean to kill two people today, but I will, say ‘Dad’ one more time you little brat.” The man shouted into Leo’s face, covering his spectacles with spit.

“Dad” Leo said.

“That’s it!” The man through his arm the left cutting Leo’s neck with ease, severing his main artery. “Stupid kid!”

Leo fell to the ground holding on his neck gasping. The man simply dropped the knife and left, leaving Leo struggling for life. Leo, after several minutes, died from blood loss.

Two days later Leo’s father found Leo in the alleyway, lying in a pool of blood. It’s been seven years sense Leo’s death. The murderer was never found and still walks earth to this day.

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