May's Flowers | Teen Ink

May's Flowers

April 19, 2014
By LoveHaruka BRONZE, Lawton, Michigan
LoveHaruka BRONZE, Lawton, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." -Mewtwo

The light flashed to my eyes as the train bolted through the constricted tunnel. The landscape looked emotionless, low, and almost endless. The chill spread down my spine, this is my reality, there is no escaping my past. I contemplated to myself how had I ended up here of all places.

As I gazed through the portal to nothing, I heard a voice echo from the rear of the cart. “Tickets… Tickets… Get your tickets ready.” The voice pierced my contemplation and placed me back into reality. The man notarizing the passes was plain. He wore the standard uniform, yet it seemed to dwarf his mini frame. “Ticket?” The man’s voice came across very angelic. “Oh… yeah here it is.” “Oh, from the city I see! Well I bet it is a change seeing nothing for miles? You here long?” “No, just visiting.” “Oh, well I was going to suggest finding a job, being out here can get pretty boring. Well I best be off. Have a great day sir.”

The train ride was grueling, my sanity escaping me on multiple occasions. “Attention, this is your conductor we will be arriving in Torn in a few moments. I thank you all for riding with us, and please have a nice day.” Torn, why of all places has she asked me to meet her here? She knows I left this town for a reason.

I walked through the streets slowly, nothing had changed. Where are you? Do you expect me to meet you at the spot? These thoughts raced through me. What am I even doing back here? After everything that happened to me why did I agree to come back?

“Hey!!!” Shouted a voice from the narrow alley. “I can’t believe your back!!!” The voice shocked me. “May”, she emerged from a cavity? Her figure hadn’t changed in three years, still slim. Her blonde hair covering her sparkling blue eyes. She ran to me with all her might, and leaped into the air. I still loved her.
“You’re back Raiden!! I thought you wouldn’t come!!! I have so much to tell you!!!” Her voice was escaping her lungs at such an alarming rate. “Hey, slow down! You don’t need to get so worked up about me coming home.” Home, why did I use this word?

“I do though!! It’s been so long!!! You haven’t been back since…” Her voice trembled as she said the last few words. “I know, I’m sorry, I have to have you out to the city sometime.” “I would like that!! So it’s really been three years since then hasn’t it? Are you going to go see your parent’s grave?” “Well I feel I have to… After all, it’s my fault they are dead. Oh, May? Do you still get a thrill out of the murders?”

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