The Truth Comes Out | Teen Ink

The Truth Comes Out

May 19, 2014
By KayZit BRONZE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
KayZit BRONZE, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is short. Live large and Dream big.
Live as if today was your last day, tomorrow was to late, say good bye to yesterday.

Gloomy, very gloomy; the sky showed no sign of a sun that would claim a hold of. It was summer, mid-summer yet it is all dark, gloomy and cold. It was nothing like any other day, what has come to this world that can feel so cold. The streets were empty, no signs of humanity or even life. Everything was still and quite, besides the wind that blew passed this abandoned town. It felt unwelcoming, making one feel uncomfortable, and leave that area as fast as you can. The day continued as it was, dark and gloomy, very still and quiet, that was until the dark night fell upon the town. A howl of a wolf came from the mountains on the outskirts of the town, black birds’ crowed causing ruckus in the trees. All life came alive when night was here. With all the noise and movement that went on in the woods and mountains, each and every house seemed to stay unstirred. Out of nowhere a figure appeared in the streets. It was cloaked, unable to see its face through the darkness.

“Come to me my children.” It was a male voice that spoke, not loud at all but his voice carried too many of the teens that laid in an endless sleep causing them to wake. Green emerald eyes flickered open hearing the voice. It was a young girl of the age fourteen with auburn hair; she was quite petite and scrawny for her age. Many would mistake her to be around eight or so. The little girl opened her window, stuck her auburn hair out of the window then climbed out and into the tree that was nearby. All the children that were called met in the center of the street; each one was still in their pajamas. “Ah, my children, it has been quite some time. But now it’s a new era and we are calling back for you, a new pack is arising and new leaders!” He announced. All the children looked completely frozen with no expression on their faces what so ever. It was as if they are sleep walking and being mind controlled by this man. After he finished speaking, the children nodded to every word he spoke.
As a few more hours went by, the group dispersed and the children went back to their rooms sleeping the night away. The next went on as if nothing had happened the night before, the sun was shining and everyone was outside in their lawns. It was yet another beautiful day to enjoy and play outside. “Delia come on down, you nearly slept the morning away!” yelled the mother of the girl who had the auburn hair. The little girl crawled out of bed and slinked her way downstairs and slipped onto the couch. “Come on Delia, get off the couch, eat some breakfast, and get dressed. I know that you know how to do this.” Her mother crossed her arms standing next to the couch.
A groan left the girl, “I’m up, just give me a minute or two to just get up.” The mother shook her head storming off. Shortly the auburn haired child walked to the bathroom to wash up then headed to the kitchen. “I am sorry, mother. I do not know why I am so tired. I did go to bed early and had a good night sleep, so I thought.” The tiny, slim fingers found their way through the auburn mess.
“It is fine, darling. You’re just growing up and wanting more sleep, that is all. I just want to make sure you have time to do your homework, chores, and spend some time outside because it is gorgeous out.” A smile formed on the woman’s face.
The little girl nodded and grinned back up at her. She then ate her breakfast before running off. Delia did her homework and chores, like always then she would spend the rest of the day either outside in the backyard or out with some friends of hers. The sun was high in the sky, clouds lightly covering it, and there was a light breeze that felt amazing. These days could not get much better, well that was until Tyrone, the town’s bully, came walking up towards her. “Oh great, what do you want?” Delia glared over at Tyrone.
“What? Can’t a fellow classmate ever stop by one of his pals to say a hello?” Tyrone was acting all kind and innocent.
“Oh hell no, that is like you. You’re as sweet as sweet as a lemon.” She leaned on one foot, crossing her arms.
“Don’t be that way. I am trying to be nice, but if you are not accepting that then fine.” He grimaced and stormed off. “So much for that idea.” He mumbled to himself.
She was mimicking him as he walked away from her. “Man, being all sweet just to turn around and stab me in the back again.” Many did not know that Tyrone and Delia used to be best friends, well that was until Tyrone was labeled the bully and he stuck to it. Delia told Tyrone straight to the face that she was not getting involved with that kind of stuff and that it was best that the two of them went their separate ways. And since then Delia had been targeted quite a few times by Tyrone and she never trusted him since.
(To be continued)

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