Wanted | Teen Ink


April 24, 2014
By _SkillA_ BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
_SkillA_ BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No rest that is given isn't as good as rest that is earned."

“Hey, sheriff, you might wanna take a look at this!” shouted Dylan Erwin the local cook at Emis Cafe.

“What is it Dylan?” said Sheriff Knox in a curious voice.

“Umm... You’re gonna wanna see this yourself.”

“Oh dear god no!” sheriff screamed.

Three weeks earlier.

“Hey babe!” Emily shouted to her husband.

Emily knox was just leaving the school house over to the cafe.

The cafe is called Emis Cafe,it was a small little brick building that looked like one of those saloons you would see in a old western movie that your grandpa sat in the living room watching remembering how it was back then while smoking pack after pack and drinking an ice cold soda. Emily owns and works at the cafe after she gets off of work at the school house. She is married to the Sheriff his name is Christopher Knox jr. mr. knox is 39 about 6’2 has a slim body and pretty built for his size and has black hair and bright blue eyes. He has been sheriff for a long time so he knows alot about loyalty and commitment to the department but not so well in a relationship. Sheriff knox before he became sheriff had some commitment issues with his wife while she was pregnant. But she lost the baby 3 months into the pregnancy due to stress and Immunologic Disorder.

After the miscarriage the marriage is slowly falling apart. Mrs. Knox hasn’t been showing any love and affection lately she is depressed and heart broken, christopher is frustrated he is trying to gain trust back its just not working dinner after dinner flower after flower its just not getting anywhere with her.

Two weeks later June 5th 1995.

“Hey honey?”

“Yes chris!”

“What do u say we go out tonight?”

“No im busy i have test to grade.”

“K. Well I’m gonna run by the department real quick, I love you?”

“See ya when you get back!”

It was a long drive to the department, think letting the sadness and depression sink in. Know you messed up knowing you can’t undo what you have done. Feeling alone feeling like no one cares feeling like no one wants you anymore. Feeling desperate for the touch of a female, wanting those soft lips to touch yours wanting the warm hugs to comfort you. The desire of a female is killing him inside. Pulling up to the department there was another car it looked like deputy Johnson.

*Car door slam.*

*The door opens to the office and dings.*

The chair is turned backwards and there someone in it theres bare feet touching the ground and hair of a woman barely peeking over the tip of the chair.

*The chair slowly turns towards Sheriff*

“Well hey Sheriff, how’s your old lady doin?” She said in her southern little voice.

“Well not to good. Well why are you not in uniform and at the station this late?”

“Waiting on you of course.”

“Well what were you waiting for then?”

“Sheriff you know the way I look at you, you see the glow in my face in the mornings when I see you!”

“But Brianna you know I’m married you know i have messed up once before and I still haven’t earned that trust back yet.”

“Come on please she’ll never know it even happen.” She said softly while her shiny red lips whispered in his ears as she rubbed his back.

“Keep this our secret don’t let it spill out. Ok?” Sheriff said at Brianna shook her head.

“Morning dear, you got home pretty late last night?”

“I know I got caught up in some work at the station it was a long night!”

*Beep! Beep!*

*Emily picks up the phone.*

It said,

“Hey last night was fun don’t you think? ;)”

The look in her eyes gave it all away, shock, depression, heart break, all the the trust she gave him is gone she can’t believe that flower after flower dinner after dinner he’s cheating again.

“Im done Chris this isn’t healthy for me, I have found another place closer to the schoolhouse and the cafe, I knew this was gonna happen again once a pig always a pig!”

“Honey please no!”

“Why? You seem happier with other women!”

“No I love you!”

“Like I haven't heard that before!”

*Stomps on the steps*

*Door slams*

The day goes on no one talks to each other all day the slowly passes hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second.

Chris has been at the bar so hes home intoxicated, Emily walks in the door.

“Chris here are the divorce papers here is my key and I am getting my things and going to start all over again.”

*The sound of heels going up stairs.*

“Chris mumbled and stood up and said you're not going anywhere your stay right here!”

“Chris! Chris? CHRIS!”

*A woman's scream slowly fading away in the late night.*

*Phone rings*

“Brianna I have done something terribly wrong!” He said in a worried voice as he stuttered to get the words out of his mouth.

“What did you do?”

“I umm, I Killed Emily!”

“Oh my gosh why?”

“She tried to leave me I couldn’t just let her leave!”

“But now you can never talk to her again! Look what you have done!”

*The line is clear.*

Thoughts and depression are hitting him hard. Hes lost in his mind hes going mentally insane, he is not sure what will happen hes going to go to prison forever! The cafe what’s gonna happen to them. The kids at school what are they gonna think?

“What have i done?” He says as he grabs his head.

Loud old time music that you would play on a record player blared throughout the house singing,

“Oh tip toe, to the window, oh my darlin come with me!” In a high pitched voice with a ukulele in the back ground.

*The sound of a chair drop and a rope tightening.*

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