Brothers. | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By roeber_kayla BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
roeber_kayla BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m Ellie Scott. I’m 17 years old. A couple weeks ago I found out I’m adopted. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if my “dad” would’ve told me sooner. He said, “After your mom died, I didn't want to tell you because her and I were supposed to do it together. I didn't tell you because I didn't know how to without her.” Honestly, I would've wanted him to tell me after my mom died because I could have gone out and found my real mom instead of growing up without a mom.

I found out I was adopted by my real mom. At the time I had no idea she was my mom but, eventually I figured it out. She was trying to make it seem like she was a journalist interviewing me about my comic strips that I draw for the newspaper; how I think of the ideas, if they’re personal or not, etc. Eventually I found out she wasn't a journalist and she told me who she really was. At first I thought, “Why now?” But the she told me. She had come into my life because she had cancer. She wanted to meet me and get to know me before she died. Honestly, I don't find that very fair. She’s going to come into my life, become my best friend, and then she’ll be gone. I don’t know if I can lose another mom.

A few days after Karen, my real mom, told me I was adopted, I decided to give her a chance. Turns out she’s pretty cool. She’s almost exactly like me. She loves the same music I love. Which is a lot.
My walls are covered with shelves that hold my records. My mom has the same thing in her house, she just has a lot more than I do. I wouldn't be surprised if she owned every record known to man.

My mom said she was rid of cancer. That’s when I decided to open up to her completely. I thought I was safe from getting hurt. I wasn't.

About 3 months after meeting my mom, I went to her house to show her a record that I found and liked. When I walked in, there she was. Lying limp on the couch in her music room. She told me the cancer was gone; obviously it wasn't. All I remember after seeing her is collapsing in the doorway. Everything went black after that.

In the weeks following my mothers death, I fell into a really dark place. My dad works out at sea so he wasn't around too much. The two people that were there for me the most were my two best friends, Jake and Brooke. They helped me get out of the house and find other things to do to keep me and my mind occupied.

When Brooke and Jake weren't available to help me keep my mind off my mother, I was organizing my music. I guess before my mom died she left a note saying she wanted me to have all of her music. I already had a lot of the records she had so I spent a lot of time going through them and getting rid of the duplicates.

One day while going through the records, I found a note from her. It said I had a brother named Derek that my mom thought I should meet. She had his phone number written down so I decided to call. The first few times I called there was no answer, so I waited a couple days before calling again. When I called again a few days later, I got an answer. I tried to explain that I was his sister and my mom had told me to call him but, the minute I said “sister” he said, “Don’t call this number again.” So I didn't.

I kinda gave up on my brother after that because he obviously didn't want anything to do with me. So why should I want anything to do with him? Apparently he did want something to do with me because a day after I got a call saying it was him. He apologized and I forgave him. After a while of talking we decided to meet on the Friday of that week.

On the day I was supposed to meet Derek, I got really nervous so I asked Jake to come with, just in case Derek was like a murderer or something.

Turns out he wasn't so bad. He’s like my mom and I. He loves music and art but he doesn't draw like we do. He’s more into photography, which is cool. He said he’ll be in town for about a week so we’ll probably be together a lot. Jake thought he was suspicious but I didn't think so at all.

He ended up staying a lot longer than planned. Over the next couple of weeks, Derek and I became very close. He would drive me to school and pick me up and sometimes he’d even bring me lunch. Jake still thought it was weird and told me to back off a bit but I didn't see the problem.

After school, I was on my way to Derek’s car when Jake stopped me.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” he asked

“Well, you just did but sure.”

“Um, you know prom’s this weekend and Brooke told me you didn't have a date yet. So, I was wondering if, maybe, you’d want to go with me?”

I sat there for a second pretending I was thinking about it when I already knew the answer, “Yes, I’ll go to prom with you. Pick me up at 7.” I kissed his cheek, smiled and walked away to Derek’s car.

“What was that all about?” Derek asked.

“Jake just asked me to prom. he’s going to pick me up tomorrow night at 7.”

“He doesn't like me.”

“He just…” I struggled to find the right words. “He’s just suspicious of you. That’s all.”

I had already bought a dress because I decided that I was going to go to prom whether I had a date or not. It was past 7:00 and Jake still hadn't showed up. I was just about to call him when I heard a knock on the door. I checked myself in the mirror one last time, grabbed my purse and went downstairs to answer the door. But when I opened the door, it wasn't Jake standing there in a tux, it was Derek.

“Hi, Ellie.” he said. And then it went black.

When I woke up, I was in my basement. It looked different. There was a table with punch sitting on it in the corner off to my left, the middle of the room was empty, besides me in the center, and there were lights hanging from the ceiling.

I went to ask Derek what was going on only to realize my mouth was taped shut. I looked down; my hands were tied behind my back and my ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.

“You know, you should have listened to Jake when he told you to back off.” It was Derek. He was somewhere in the clutter.

“I love you, Ellie.” Okay, that’s weird. “But I’m not very good for you.”

There he was. Off to my right, walking into the light.

“I texted Jake for you. Told him you had other plans that came up. He didn't seem to mind.”

And that’s when I thought, “I’m going to die tonight.”

Derek isn't my brother. He’s my stalker. I tried to scream but it wasn't nearly as loud as it needed to be. No one’s going to be able to hear me. No one’s going to come for me.

“When you told me Jake asked you to prom, it made me angry. I couldn't let the girl I love fall for another guy. I decided that we’d have our own prom. We’ll dance, laugh and later, we’ll head upstairs for the night of our lives.”

After he said that he came up to me and started untying my hands.

“Are you ready for our first dance, sweetie?”

A voice called down from upstairs, “Ellie! Did you really think I was going to let you stay home tonight?”

It was Jake.

“I know you’re here. I saw your light on.”

God, he’s smart.

“What the hell is he doing here?!” Derek whispered. He started tying me back up and shut off the lights again. He disappeared into the corner.

“Really? The basement?” Jake was coming down the stairs. When I got a glimpse of him in the light coming from the top of the stairs, I noticed he had his pocket knife out. So smart.

I just wanted to yell and tell him to go back upstairs. I didn't know what Derek was going to do.

He was staring right at me. He walked to the other side of the room and turned on the lights.

“What the… Oh my God. Who did this to you?” He ran over to me. He held my face in his hands and checked me over making sure I wasn't hurt too bad. Then he started cutting away at the ropes. He was almost done with my ankles when Derek jumped out of the corner and attacked him. He grabbed around his neck and as he did, Jake dropped the knife. I took it and cut my ankle free. I jumped up from my chair and charged after Derek, stabbing him right above his heart. He fell back onto a pile of boxes. Thinking the fight with Psycho Derek was over, I ran over to Jake to see if he was okay.

“How cute. The boyfriend comes to save the day.” Derek was on his feet, “You weren't expecting this were you?” He dove after us but we were too quick. Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me with him up the stairs.

“Go out the front!” I yelled at him. Derek wasn't far behind us. I figured if we went out the front then one of the neighbors would see us. We raced down the stairs and started sprinting down the street. Not even halfway down the block, we heard a body smash against the pavement. I turned around. A guy had tackled Psycho Derek in the middle of the street. I ran back to the man.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You’re Ellie Scott, yes?” he replied

“Yeah… Who are you?”

“I guess I’m your brother.”

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