Thanksgiving in the Woods | Teen Ink

Thanksgiving in the Woods

October 12, 2014
By x.Annalyse.x BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
x.Annalyse.x BRONZE, Eaton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A loud ring sets the students into a loud commotion as they leave the classrooms in a rush to start their Thanksgiving vacations. Students shouting and going against the current of the crowd, and students leaving the building as fast as they can. One specific group of students had some exciting plans for the weekend. Darcaline was a girl that not that many people liked due to the fact that she was rude and she felt that pretty much the whole world surrounded around her. Well, her and a few friends planned on going up to a cabin to basically torture this kid, Lucas. He was a guy who wanted to fit in as much as anyone else and he thought that he was invited because Darcaline and her friends were nice.
“Hey Jenny, do you want to come to my house to get everything ready before we leave tonight?” Darcaline asked her friend Jenny.
“Yeah, sure, might as well do something while Jason is at his last football practice.” Jenny replied, stacking her books into her locker and slamming the metal door shut.
The two girls walk down the hallway whispering and giggling about the interesting weekend that they would have and how much fun they were going to have together. All of a sudden both girls run into Lucas, the guy that they planned on making his weekend pretty bad. Both of the girls start laughing and Lucas gains a smile.
“Oh, hey ladies! Are you ready for tonight?” Lucas lightly chuckles as the girls laugh.
“Yep Lucas, we are ready.” Darcaline looks at Jennie and they both nearly burst into laughter.
Just then, Lucas knew that something was up. He had been through this type of stuff before and he was tired of it.
I’ll show them who I really am. Just let them watch me!
It is now around six o’clock, and everyone begins to put their bags into the car and settle themselves into the car. Jenny looks at where Lucas was sitting in the one of the back seats and then she glares at Jason and clears her throat to get his attention.
“Hey Lucas, man, come sit up here with me” Jason pats on the passenger seat next to him. Lucas moves up to the front, “Sure man,” he replies taking the seat. The two girls hop into the back seat and put their seat belts on.
“Are we all ready?” Jason looks into the rearview mirror, and begins to reverse into the street.
“I have an idea guys, we have to lose our virginity by the end of this trip!” Darcaline nudges Jennie, and waits to see her expression.
“You have already lost your virginity!” Jennie states back with a hint of panic in her voice, and looks up to Jason to see what his reaction is.
“Yeah, Darcy, you can’t make up something that you have already done.” Jason looks at Darcaline in the rear-view mirror. “How ‘bout we make a new friendship with Lucas by the end of this trip!” Jason then looks at Lucas and smiles.
“Hey how ‘bout that!” Lucas smiles back. The girls whisper something to each other and begin to laugh again.
The four teenagers reach the cabin and begin taking their bags in, and the girls call for the rooms that they want. While Jason takes Lucas into the main room of the cabin and they sit down on the fluffy couch and turn on the sports channel.
“You like football?” Jason asks Lucas, keeping his stare at the television.
“Yeah man and I guess of course you do.” Lucas laughs and then Jason begins to laugh.
“I mean it’s alright, I am forced to play it for my dad’s sake. It’s just one of those things you do to please your parents, you know?” Jason looks at Lucas with a slanted smirk on his face.
“Yeah I know where you are coming from, my parents want me to be a doctor, but I don’t know if that is what I really want to do.” Lucas breaks the eye contact and looks back up to the game playing. Just then the two girls run into the room, Jennie jumping on Jason’s lap and kissing his cheek. While Darcaline sits on a comfy and soft looking chair. Jennie tosses the remote to Darcaline and she changes it to some romantic reality show. Jason slightly rolls his eyes and nudges Lucas.
“Hey wanna go see what we can find for firewood before it gets too late?” Jason makes any excuse he can get to get out of watching whatever was on the TV. Lucas nods his head with eager eyes and gets up. The boys walk over to the door, waving at the girls goodbye. Jennie lies on the couch as she waves to Jason, and Darcaline bounces onto the couch and covers herself and her friend with a fuzzy blanket.
“Why haven’t we hung out before this, dude? You seem pretty chill.” Jason states as the boys leave the cabin and walk out into the dead woods, Jason carrying an ax, and Lucas holding a bag to put the wood in.
“Because I am a nobody…” Lucas replies, “I mean I know I was invited to this as a joke. Why would the most popular people want to become friends with me?”
Jason stops and pulls onto Lucas’ arm, “Hey man, don’t go putting yourself down like that. You are just different, and there is no shame in that.” Jason pats Lucas’ back and continues walking again.
“Yeah I guess, w-what advice would you give for me about this weekend though?” Lucas slightly stutters as he continues on.
“Don’t mind the those man, I have your back, they can be a pain in the butt sometimes and I am not afraid to tell them that!” Jason replies back while looking around for smaller trees.
Lucas and Jason slowly walk back to the cabin with the bag full of wood, and a sudden howl fills the slightly darkened woods. The cabin lights are on and the sound of the girls talking is clear to both of the boys.
“I don’t think they could be any louder.” Jason elbows Lucas and they both begin to laugh.
Jason swings the door open and Jennie runs over to him, “Hey Jay, perfect timing!” She pulls him into the main entertainment area and sits him on the couch. Lucas steps into the door and closes it with his foot. He then walks over to the fireplace, placing a few pieces of wood into the opening and lights them on fire, and then sticks the rest into the wood shelter by the fireplace. He notices Jennie kissing Jason, and not wanting to be the third wheel, he wonders where Darcaline is. He roams through the hallway, slightly checking every room until he notices sniffling from a room at the end of the hallway. He creeks open the door, and notices that Darcaline was crying, not a large and dramatic cry, but a few tears dropping, on the verge of more.
“Hey Darcaline, you okay?” Jason slowly opens the door and peaks his head in.
“What do you want?” Darcaline replies, quickly wiping away the tears.
“I want to know what is wrong, if that is okay…” Jason slowly walks into the room while keeping his gaze on her. The sound of laughter enters the door from the other couple, and Lucas quickly closes the door.
“I just want to feel wanted, making other people feel bad does not make me feel good anymore. Like, I just want to feel the love that Jennie gets from Jason.” The girl begins to sob more, “Why can’t I feel that way?”
Lucas thinks to himself, and he replies, “Well honestly have you ever thought about how you treat people and how that affects their relationship with you?”
Darcaline glares at Lucas, and then suddenly goes into the realization that he is right. She begins to start crying again, but this time it is a lot harder. Lucas becomes a little awkward and then sits on the bed alongside with her. He slowly drapes his arm over her and she quickly collapses into his arms.
“You’re right, I am an awful person!” Darcaline cries harder, as Lucas just holds her in his arms.
“You’re not an awful person; I think you just need to think about the things you say and how they affect people’s moods.” Lucas slightly rubs her back, “I don’t really appreciate what you and Jennie did to me… That stuff hurts to think that people are making fun of you.”
Darcaline looks up at Lucas, “I am sorry Lucas, I really am!” She hugs him tight, and begins crying again. Lucas hugs her back tighter, somewhat enjoying the moment of hugging the most popular girl while she cries.
Just as Darcaline wipes her face from the tears, Jennie runs into the room laughing. She suddenly stops as she sees that Darcy had been crying.
“Oh, I’m sorry guys!” Jennie’s face is full of shock as she sees Darcy glaring at her, “I’ll leave now…”
An awkward silence fills the room until Darcy nearly jumps on Lucas, and begins to kiss him. Lucas falls back in shock and with his arms in the surrender position.
“I am so sorry; I don’t know what I am doing!” Darcy gets up and looks at the ground as she replies. Lucas pulls her back down and kisses her again, and she wraps her arms around his neck.
Meanwhile in the other room, Jennie and Jason are watching a scary movie, cuddled up to each other. The movie was still playing, and the wind was howling. It was pretty clear that a storm was coming their way. Until suddenly a scary scene pops up on the television and all of the electricity in the cabin goes out and Jennie jumps and screams pretty loud.
“What just happened?” Jason sits up and looks at Jennie as the moonlight is the only thing casted upon her face.
“I-I don’t know, but that was fricken scary!” Jennie replies back nearly breathless.
The couple finds their way down the hallway and into the room that Darcy and Lucas had been in. The room is dark, and there is not much sound, “Hello…?” Jason asks through the dark room. A sound doesn't leave the room and a dead silence is all that creeps on the couple.
“Where are they, I was pretty sure they were in this room!” Jennie tries to look around the dark room and the moon only helping a little bit. They leave the room and try to search the other rooms, when Jason slightly sees something from his peripheral vision and Lucas jumps on him.
“Boo! We got you guys good!” Lucas shouts as he tackles Jason, and Darcy is giggling. Jennie looks at Darcy and nearly winks at her, and Darcy runs over to her and pulls her into another room to tell her about what had happened between the two before the lights went out. The girls squeals are all that the boys can hear, and they just chuckle at the girl’s nonsense.
The group of teenagers sits in the main entertainment room with their phones lights on so they can see each other, and what Lucas thought would be an awful weekend was turning out to be a pretty good one. The wind picks up even more, thunder interrupting every few minutes, and a slight rain pours over the wood roof. The teenagers hear a slight whimper coming from the front of the cabin; Jason and Lucas go to look out the window to notice a fairly large and hairy animal laying on the ground as lightning strikes near the animal sending a flash of light showing off the animal.
“It’s a wolf; I wonder what happened to it!” Jason states curiously.
“Maybe he got hit by the lightning, or something.” Replies Darcy, as she doesn't really care about the animal, “Come sit back down with us guys!”
“Maybe we should go check it out, Jason…” Lucas nudges Jason with his shoulder, and
they both nod towards each other.
“You both wait in here, we are going to go check that thing out. Stay safe, okay?” Jason tells the girls but keeps his gaze on Jennie the whole time.
The boys open up the front door and walk out of the cabin. The girls watch them close the door and then they run up to the window to watch the boys. At first the boys can barely see the wolf, but a cloud covering the moon moves and they can see him much more clearly. Lucas notices a fairly large cut on the wolves’ leg, “I wonder how he got this, and do you think maybe he got into a fight or something?” Jason looks at the cut that Lucas points out.
“It’s hard to tell, I don’t know much about this kinda stuff.”
In the cabin the girls continue watching the boys until the notice a slight movement in the woods a little past the boys. Their attention is caught on this slight movement for a while, and they slowly start to notice that is getting closer to the boys. Jennie starts to bang on the window so that it will catch the boys attention. Both boys look back and notice the girls making a waving motion as if they were telling them to come back into the cabin, but the boys just wave back a motion telling them not to worry and they look away again. Darcy opens the door and yells at the boys, “There's something in the woods, get back in here before you get hurt!”
“It’s just your imagination, don’t worry about it.” Jason says right as a gunshot goes off, and Lucas falls to the ground. Jason looks to the woods, and quickly picks up Lucas to carry him into the house.
“Call the cops, now!” Jason yells at the panicked Darcy, as she fills up with tears and closes the door and quickly locks it after Jason walks into the cabin. Jennie picks up her phone and dials in the numbers, waiting for an answer.
“I have no service…!” Jennie looks at the two very worried.
“Take my phone, I have long distance.” Jason tosses his phone to Jennie in a haste, leading everyone into the hallway to hide. They hear a really loud banging on the door, and someone trying to open up the door. A few gun shots go off, and Jennie, Darcy, and Jason quickly get into the closet of the dark room. Loud footsteps search the house, sending even more panic to the three teenagers, and the girls silently crying. The door of the room that the teens are in slams open and slow footsteps slowly stop to shoot Lucas’ dead body once more to be sure that he is actually dead. Jennie accidentally presses the speaker button on the phone and the ringing becomes louder. The mysterious man instantly opens the closet as they all scream in terror and he shoots. The man runs out of the room and leaves the cabin as fast as he could, but making sure that no one saw him.
“This is 9-1-1 emergency line what’s wrong? … Hello, is anyone there?” The phone hangs up, “beep beep beep.”

The author's comments:

It is getting close to Halloween, and my final project was to submit a piece of work to a publishing venue. Who wouldn't want to read a scary storry about people their own age? Hope everyone enjoys the story. 

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