Carousel Killer | Teen Ink

Carousel Killer

October 29, 2014
By ScarletReader BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
ScarletReader BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sat drinking coffee in my office. Sighing, my comrade comes in and slaps a case on my desk. I look at him with question.

“Special case the chief wants us to take.” He says with worry. I read the case the case out loud.

“Murders have been reported involving locations close to Amazing Freddy’s traveling circus. I need you and Barringer (my comrade) to investigate this case.”

I clench my jaw. I never liked carnivals or circuses. Losing both your parents at 5 years old, involving murderers dressing as clowns does that to you.

I need to stop holding on to the past. It’s not going to get me anywhere.

“Smith…Smith…Scarlet.” Barringer called. I broke out of my haze and responded.

“What and don’t call mse by my first name Barringer.” I replied with a dull tone.

“Sorry Smith you just looked…well lost.

“Okay, forget about it. We need to start this case. It looks like the press has gone just wild with this one. Looks like the next stop is in Portland, let’s go.”

We arrived in Oregon around 1:00 am. The chief claimed that the local sheriff would be there to pick us up. I got off the plane and waited for Barringer. While wait I pull my curly red hair into a pony tail. Barringer gets off and we wait for the sheriff to come and greet us.

The sheriff picks us up and drives us to the hotel. Too tired to start the case now, I go to sleep
We started on the case bright and early. We drove up behind the circus tents. The smell of popcorn greets my nose. I look down and sigh. Barringer and I split up. I walk to the office beside the circus. I knock on the old wooden door surprised that I didn’t get splinters. Something falls with a big thud from the other side. The owner, Freddy himself opens the door. I see a large, wooden, creepy clown doll on the floor.

“Hello Freddy, My name is Officer Smith.” I greet him with a smile.

After 30 minutes of talking getting nowhere I leave. The creep claims to have no idea of who could have done it. This puts him at the top of my list. I walk out to find Barringer. He sits questioning the bearded lady. I pace over to him but stop. Two identical twins catch my eye. I walk over to them. They sang in unison “Come to the Freak show.”

“What?” I choke as they run to a tent. I walk over to the tent that has a old piece of wood that has the words “Freak Show” painted on it.

Confused, I round up Barringer and go to the hotel. Staying up for a while, I try to figure out the details of what the twins chirped. “Why me? What do they mean?” The clock flashed midnight as if telling me to go to bed but , I refuse. I grab the keys for the rental and drive back up to the circus.

Upon arriving, mist greets my legs. I walk to the tent. As I get closer I hear an old record player playing. Walking in I see dim lighting and a stage to my left. I hear a duet of giggles. I turn to my right and see the twins.

“Hey come back here” I yelled. I tried to sprint but, something grabbed me before I could. I turn and see the bearded lady. Then Freddy and the twins walk out of the shadows.

“What have I told you two? You’re dealing with a trained cop.” He whispered making it certain that I can hear him.

“We’re sorry” they apologize.

“Ok now you two run along, Freddy’s got some business to take care of.” 

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