Looking Through | Teen Ink

Looking Through

January 2, 2009
By Anonymous

I didn't really know the guy much. Us baristas didn’t really notice him much except he came in everyday at 10 on the dot. One day I decided to say something to him "That looks interesting what are you reading?" Brown jacket man (that’s what we called him) picks up the medium size book looks over it carefully then turns back to me and says "Its my journal it lets me know when Im going to die, a little shocked by his response I just nod and tell him to have a nice night, Brown jacket man gives me a wry smile and sits down to read. As minutes turned to hours I caught Brown jacket man staring at a woman with bright red orange hair. He wouldn't take his eyes off her, I mean she was pretty but she wasn’t that pretty to be wide-eyed with such concentration, after a couple more minutes went by his face broke out into a wide smile almost as if he was sharing a personal joke between him and the woman but nobody knew but him. I sensed he was reading him like he had some sort of power, I’ve seen him stare a t people and then make faces like laugh as he just did now as if he knew the lives of others by just looking at them. Upon seeing a lively and bouncy couple Brown jacket mans face creased into great concern knowing that one of them were holding a dark secret. Upon seeing a old man waving his cane at the playful children running by him Brown jackets mans face creased into sorrow for knowing that this old man as very lonely and the kids just reminded him of how much he missed his kids and grandchildren. Upon seeing a beautiful women with long black hair Brwon jacket mans face creased into sadness for he had know that although she was beautiful on the outside her soul was filled with hatred and jealousy. As hours went by and barns and noble was closing the barista was finishing up her last table he realized it was the table of brown jacket man , and on the table was his red little journal with curiosity the barista opened the journal and read she was right! he was reading these people, she read the whole journal until she read the last entry that said Upon seeing I’ve learned that the barista is a very friendly young lady but has trouble letting people in the barista runs out the bookstore with the journal in hand, searching frantically for him when finally he finds him. Brown jacket man is lying still on a bench with a very peaceful smile spread across his thin lips

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I love reading books and I usually go to the bookstore so when ever I go to this certain bookstore I see this homeless man in there with a brown jacket and he always seemed so intresting to me instead of begging for money and doing nothing with his days he comes to the
bookstore to escape from reality for a little while with filling his mind with fanstys, mysterys, romance, and important news that goes on around the world

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 28 2012 at 9:22 am
AndriaGromley SILVER, Hillsdale, Pennsylvania
8 articles 2 photos 113 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away...

It was very confusing! Add paragraphs and color to your characters. You need details.