The fate that awaits me | Teen Ink

The fate that awaits me

November 14, 2014
By Adam175 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Adam175 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

              The sun was swallowed by dark rain clouds making it a dark gloomy day. Rain fell from the sky at a rapid rate. The air was cold and humid. The wind was swirling fast making every rain drop sting against your skin. The sound of rain pounding the concrete filled the air. In an instant this dull image was shattered by a car ramming into me.
              I instantly collapse to the ground.  I lie there paralyzed; unable to move. Everything then seems to go in slow motion.  Three men get out of the car and walk towards me. They pick me up and begin walking back to the car. I try to scream but the sound is muffled by one of the men’s hand. Without thinking I bite down on the man’s hand. He quickly pulls it away and I begin to start yelling for help. Another man gets out of the driver’s seat of the car with a baseball bat. He hits me in the head with it. The world around me slowing turns black as I become unconscious.
            I awake in a dim lit cell that smells like sewage.  My head is throbbing as I try to adjust to the lighting.  My body is still sore and I can barely move. A shadowy figure emerges from a distant hallway.
            “I’m glad you’re awake”, he says.  He holds out a bowl of food through the bars of the cell. I hesitantly grab it. “What is it?” I ask. “Just eat it”, he grumbles in a low voice. I shakily put the food in my mouth.  It tastes strange and is some sort of meat. I still ate it anyways, I was starving.
          Another figure enters the room. “Hello James, your parents will be glad to see you”, the figure says. “Who are you and why are my parents here?”, I shouted. They both grinned creepily at me.
         Two men enter the room dragging two people with them. They bring them closer to me and I realize they are my parents. My mom shrieks with relief when she sees me. My dad lies on the ground in pain. “What did you do to him?”, I ask. They stood there like statues and didn’t say a word. They drag them out of the room and I notice my dad’s leg is missing. I instantly come to realization of what the strange meat I had eaten was.
          “I have to get out of here.” I thought to myself. I begin plotting ways to escape. A light bulb goes off in my head. I now know how I’ll escape.
          “I have to go to the restroom” I say to the figure. “Fine but, make it quick”, he grumbles. He unlocks the cell and leads me to the restroom. I walk in and lock the door behind me. “Thank god there’s a window.”, I whispered to myself. I walk over to it and try to open it. It won’t budge. It’s bolted down. I search around for something to break it with. “There’s nothing here to break it with. I’m going to be stuck here forever.”, I thought to myself. I try to keep myself from crying. I sit down on the counter and glance over at the window. In a fit of rage I smash my fist through the glass. It shatters into multiple pieces.
         I jump out the window not realizing it has two stories up. I land on my ankle and twist it. It feels like burning fire but I don’t care. I get up and begin sprinting. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I look back to see if anyone is chasing me.  Nobody was. “I’m free” I shouted joyfully. An instant rush of pleasure fills through me. This was then instantly crushed by slicing my ankle clean open on a barbed wire. I lie down on the ground and accept the fate that awaits me.

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