Untitled | Teen Ink


December 12, 2014
By qpolk BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
qpolk BRONZE, Foristell, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is unfair to everyone and that's what makes it fair"

Randy sat on his couch looking at the blank T.V.. He could never fully focus on his visions unless it was totally quiet, which is why he lives by himself. His visions we always exact. He would have every detail one hundred percent accurate. From time of day to the people he saw and even the weather. However, he could never have visions about his own life they would always be about random people who had no connection to him. Randy would spend hours trying to focus on himself, but never had any luck. The living room in his apartment faded away and there Randy sat in a pitch black room. The sign of a 7/11 gas station became visible right where his T.V. would sit. He soon found himself inside the gas station in one of the isles in the back. A man in a blue hoodie also wearing a ski mask with brown eyes appeared next to him. Since it was just the vision Randy couldn’t make actual contact with whoever he saw all he could do was observe as everything took place. The man charge the front counter with a gun in his right hand and demanded for all the money in the register at least that’s what Randy thought he could hear. Usually he could hear more clear than that something about the vision seemed weird to him, but he carried on. He check the station for a clock and a calendar 10:30 pm on October 9th.
“Thats tomorrow. I gotta’ tell George and Garcia right away!” he said to himself.
George Gray and Ryan Garcia where the local detectives of the Morris City Police. Everyone at the police station were fond of Randy he’s helped them with many cases in the past. They had already been investigating a case of gas station robberies and the guy in Randy’s vision match the description. Except the voice, that was the only thing that could have wrapped it up nicely. Randy pulled out his phone and gave George a call.
“Randy, my boy! What’s going on? I hope you’re calling with some good news.” George said answering his phone.
“I got some real good news for ya. You know the blue hoodie and ski mask guy you been looking for? Well i know where he’ll be tomorrow night around 10:30 pm. The 7/11 on 5th street.” Randy replied
“Awesome news! We can finally catch this dirty scumbag.” yelled George full of excitement.
Around 10:15 Randy, George, and Ryan sat in the squad car waiting for the perp to show up.
“Think he’ll be here?” Said Ryan
“100% sure. my visions have never been wrong” Randy replied.
twenty minutes went by and nobody showed up. George decided to go inside and take a look for himself. The cashier was all by himself and everything was fine. Nothing suspicious happening. Confused George went back to the car reported the news the Randy.
“No this can’t be right. I know what i saw. He must came in through the back and the cashier was to scared to report it.” Randy said confused
“ The back door was locked and the cashier was too casual to have been robbed at gunpoint. Just gonna have to call this one a bust, man” said George
Randy was mortified. This had never happened before. Other than what he could hear everything was so clear. Confused by everything that just happened Randy wanted to go home and try to focus on the robbery again so George gave him a ride home. Everything seemed so out of place to Randy now he couldn’t focus like he normally does, his apartment didn’t feel like home to him. There was too much for him to think about.
“Maybe this is just some kind of bad dream and if i go to sleep now i’ll just wake and this moment will be over.” Randy said to himself, “ I suppose this was destined to happen. I can’t be perfect everyone have a slip up every now and then. It’s time to forget about this and go to sleep.” Just when Randy thought the night was coming to end something very strange and unforgettable happened to him that night. Instead of going to sleep he had a vision, which had also never happened to him.
“Seriously? Could this not day not get any weirder. I’m not even trying to have a vision why is this happening?” said randy as he sat in the darkness of what used to be his room.
“You think you’re the only who can see things when he wants to?” Said a distant and muffled voice.
“Who’s there? Show yourself now.”
“Be patient. I’ll show my face when the time is right. Right now i just want to be aware of the fact that you’re not alone in this world. Bye Randy”
“No! come back! Who are you?”
It was too late his bedroom slowly faded back in and Randy was alone in his room. The next day Randy didn’t know what to make of what happened last night.
“Who could that have been? How did he know i was psychic? That’s it, his voice I’ve heard before. The guy from my vision! It was muffled just like it was before I have to call George again.”
“Hey Randy, were you able to sleep off last?”
“Not really to tell you the truth George. I had sort of a vision last night and it really creeped me out.”
“What happened? talk to me.”
“Well for starters I wasn’t even trying to have the vision everything in my room just faded away, and then i heard a voice. I wasn’t sure what to think about it and the voice told me I wasn’t the only psychic around here. It didn’t hit me until just a few minutes ago, but the voice was what i heard in the 7-11.”
“So you’re saying that our perp is a psychic too?”
“He has to be. I recognized the muffled voice. This has to be why nothing happened that night he had a vision and saw us catching him in the act. I just don’t get how he was able to be in my vision and talk to me that’s not suppose to happen.”
“Well how about you come down to the station and we can do some planning and figure this out because we just had another robbery at another gas station and guess what the description was.”
“I’ll be there in a flash,” Randy hung up the phone. It was time to set the wheels in motion.
George, Ryan and Randy spent the next four hours mapping out the robberies and searching for a pattern, but everything was so random and all over the place. The only thing they had was the this guy only went for gas stations. Randy was too scared to try and have vision. If this guy could make him have a vision without him trying there’s no telling what he could if Randy tried to envision anything.
“Come on man you have to at least try it. This might be the only way we can get this guy,” said Ryan
“I dont know if I can do it. I’m scared.” replied Randy “but if its the only thing we got i guess we could possibly give a shot. Take me to one of the interrogation rooms I need as much silence as possible.”
They gave him a room and waited behind the reflective glass. Everyone was so unsure of the situation, but were also hopeful considering this was all they could do.
“You think he can do George?”
“Absolutely. He’s been helping me out since before you part of this force. I have no doubt in my mind about this. I just don’t want to freak out this much.”
They waited quite a few minutes before Randy walked out. He didn’t say anything he just walked back to George’s desk and sat down.
“What happened? Are you alright? Randy talk to me kid.”
“I’m good George. It was terrifying but i’m fine. He spoke to me again.”
“Well what’d he say?”
“I think he wants us to catch him. He told me where he was gonna go next and what time he was going to do it.
“Where will that be”
“The 7-11 in an hour and a half”
“Why are we just sitting here then? We got a crook to catch guys!”
Ryan stayed back at the station while Randy and George went to handle the situation. They got to the 7-11 and there was a note left on the door. Randy picked it up and read it.
“Did you really think it’d be that easy? Come on guys i expected more from the Head Detective and a psychic. Oh by the way you should really make sure you the bring the whole crew because you never know what might happen. Keep in touch fellas.”
“I’m calling Ryan right now.”
“Good idea. If he hurts him its game over for that guy.”
“No answer. He always answers his phone no matter where he is or what’s going on”
“Lets get back to the station. Like right now.”
When they got back Ryan was gone, but his car was still in the parking lot. No one was there with him to see what had happened. George found another note on Ryan’s desk. I read “You guys should really think about what you’re getting yourselves into. I don’t think you understand the complexity of the situation...well you obviously don’t because now your partner is gone so good luck to finding him.”
“I’m gonna kill this guy when I him and whoever he’s with,” George said angrily
“What do you mean whoever he’s with? How do you know he wasn’t alone?”
“I know how observant Ryan is you can’t sneak up on him and even if you did theres no way one person can’t take him down. Unless you’ve taken as many years of MMA as Ryan.”
They began to ponder on the subject at hand and nothing made sense to them. There was no evidence that led to whom the man was in the blue hoodie, and there was nothing that would lead them to Ryan’s whereabouts. Nothing seemed to be in their favor.
“I need to have another vision,” said Randy “It’s the only things that’ll get remotely close to figuring this out”
“As much as I want you to help I don’t know if thats safe. If this guy can put himself in one of your visions and kidnap my partner then we’ve got some serious people we are dealing with.” George replied
“What else do we have on this guy? I’m the only one who can get close to him or talk to him I have to do this”
“Fine. Only because we got nothing else on this guy”
Randy went back into the interrogation room and within minutes a vision began. This was most focused Randy had ever been on a vision. His vision seemed normal and nothing out of the ordinary the room was black and he didn’t hear any voices. I street light came into view and a street formed right under his feet. He walked towards the light and more lights appeared and he followed them. They eventually led to this warehouse in the middle of a field that  looked like it had been there for centuries. Since this is where his vision led him Randy walked in only to find Randy severely beaten and tied to a chair. Before Randy could try anything a group of men in black robes and hood surrounded him. Randy freaked for a quick second hoping they didn’t notice him since this was vision.
“ Hello Randy welcome to our world now,” said one of the men “ You better get comfortable because you're not leaving anytime soon.”

The author's comments:

this peice untitled mainly because I'm not done with it yet. I wanted to feedback to see if it has potential 

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