Why Now | Teen Ink

Why Now

December 23, 2014
By Andrea Soto BRONZE, Palmdesert, California
Andrea Soto BRONZE, Palmdesert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m so confused, lost, and hopeless. Everything is pitch black. I honestly do not remember what has happened. All I can picture is a man. A man in a blue shirt and orange hat. He kidnapped me while I was playing soccer at the park. This has been replaying in my head for the last 4 days. I’m famined, dehydrated.

“Clomp, Clomp.”

That was the first sound I’ve heard other than my stomach rumbling. It sounded like footsteps of heavy work boots.

“Get me out of here!” I sobbed.
I was trapped in a small, damp basement. Struggling to find sunlight touch my skin. I’ve wondered if anybody has noticed my disappearance. Are my parents looking for me? I’m the only adopted child my parents have. They have two kids of their own, or blood related. I feel like they’ve always treasured their kids and left me rotting in the corner. I wouldn't be surprised if they just forgot about me and continued their lives.

“HELP!” I yelled.

Theres no point to yell I’ve tried for days, so loud my throat is sore. I hear someone coming down. My heart was out of control, it jumped as if prompted by an electrical surge.

“We need to talk,” a man demanded.

There it was, the orange hat. That was the man who took me. The hat said Oregon State University. That explains why its orange. He gave me a full, room temperature water bottle and a Nature Valley granola bar. I devoured all of it inless than a minute.

“Why do you want me?”

“There are some things you don’t know and I attend to tell you.”
What would a random stranger know about me?
“I’m your biological father,” he blurted
My eyes filled with tears. Many questions were crossing my mind.
“Why would you leave me here to spoil?” I asked
“I just didn’t want you to be capable to leave.”
‘Why now, why do you want me now?”
“Well your mother and I never wanted to give you up. It got too dangerous to have you around. Unfortunately you mother died, but you are special and I pan to keep you safe,” he said.
‘I don’t know if I believe you,” I told him.
“If you want we can talk more about this tomorrow,” He offered

I nodded. I felt overwhelmed by the thought of having my father involved in my life. It will take time to even realize if I can trust him. There is also something mysterious he hasn’t mentioned. That will be something to ask another day. Right now I'm exhausted, and over this day. Goodnight.

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