My little monster | Teen Ink

My little monster

May 20, 2015
By Alecroft SILVER, Clairton, Pennsylvania
Alecroft SILVER, Clairton, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live everyday like it was on purpose

I sat on the couch twiddling my thumbs in nervousness. Sitting across from me was one of the government's lackeys. I wouldn’t be worried if it was just a guy in a suit but this one was dressed to kill. Seven feet tall, muscular build, and eyes that looked like they had seen the end of many lives.
“We know what you have done,” he said. His voice was deep and intimidating. “Where is she?”
The she he referred to was my daughter Clarissa. “I...d..don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You used the serum on her,” he said. “Where is she?”
I didn’t respond. I looked in the corner of my glasses and saw the window. Just outside another one was standing in front of the window. That sole fact told me that I might not make it out alive. My only hope was her. My daughter. The downside was that if my plan  worked too well she might kill me too.
“I’ll tell you nothing,” I said firmly already accepting the possibility that I may die.
He nodded and sat back on the couch like he expected this. Then without warning he leapt up, threw the table out of the way like a cardboard box and seized me by the throat. With one hand around my throat he hoisted me in the air and slammed me into the floor. A bone shattering pain flew through my body starting in my shoulder blades.
I let my head roll to the right too much in pain to act and stared at the stairs. Standing there in a pink shirt and jeans was my daughter. She just stared at me with wide eyes.
“Daddy are you okay?” she asked.
I wanted to tell her to run but I had a feeling that wouldn’t be right. Something about her eyes drew the truth out of me.
“No,” I wheezed.
Then the serum kicked in. Clarissa dropped to the floor clutching her head with both hands. The man on my throat just looked on in disbelief. For a few more seconds we just stared as her skin began to pale and her fingernails turned to claws. Then my beautiful daughter went savage. She leapt off the stairs on all fours and slammed into him. It was like a blur as she stole him from the air.
Once he was gone I looked to my left and saw both Clarissa and the man wrestling ferociously. In seconds it went from wrestling to a bloody massacre. The sound and sight of my daughter tearing this man apart filled my mind. Blood flew everywhere staining everything and I just watched as my little girl tore out his throat with her teeth.
A few minutes later she was standing in front of the remainder of the man’s body staring at me. Her eyes were void of all emotion yet filled with an endless space. Just looking in them I felt like I could see the whole universe. Countless stars and galaxies at her command. It was terrifying. Then something changed. A hint of recognition snuck into this space.
“Clarissa?” I asked checking to see if my daughter was still there.
“Dad,” she said in a hushed whisper. “Where?”
Instantly I understood her question. I also realized that this meant I was safe. “Outside.”
Once I answered she leapt out the window and hopped on the man’s back. The glass shattered as she went through it and I just stood there. All that I had worked for was now one with my daughter. I wasn’t sure if I should feel bad that I had turned her into a monster or proud that she was unstoppable. But I knew one thing. With my daughter, everything would change.

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