Death of a Bride | Teen Ink

Death of a Bride

May 26, 2015
By Rushawd Collier BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Rushawd Collier BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a Friday afternoon on October 13th, a man was sitting at a bar having a drink with a few of his friends. The bartender was getting quite frustrated with their lame jokes, so he decided to tell them a story. 
It was the story of the lonely bride who hung herself after being left at the altar. John and his friends listened carefully to the bartender’s story. The bartender told them how the bride hung herself after being left at the altar. Now she seeks revenge on all men because she was so hurt by what happened to her she believed all men were just plain evil, and she didn’t want to believe any other man she met. Two of them believed his story but, john refused to. As day began to fade his friends decided they would head home before it got too dark out. John wanted to stay and hear more of the story, so that’s what he did.
As night fell upon them the bartender told John to be careful going home. John simply replied with an “I’m not afraid of no dead ole bride”. John preceded on out the door and on home, he remembered in the story how the bride hung herself from a bridge. He realized he had to cross a bridge to get home. Still he did not worry about it, as he came upon the bridge he slowly started crossing. About halfway across the bridge he started to see some fog, then his car came to a sudden stop. So John got out of his car to see what the problem was. He sat his keys on his roof and went to check under his hood. As he opened the hood of his car he saw that nothing was wrong. John closed his hood and preceded back to the driver’s side of the car. As he was ready to get in and drive off he realized that his keys were still on top of his hood, so he grabbed them off and stuck them in the ignition. As he began to check his mirrors he checked his rearview and saw a bride sitting in backseat. Before he could even let out a scream he was killed instantly.
After that nobody ever knew what had happened to John on that lonely night, he was never seen again. The only thing that was left was and empty car sitting in the middle of the bridge with the key still in the ignition.

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