My Mystery Friend | Teen Ink

My Mystery Friend

May 27, 2015
By Dahyeong BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Dahyeong BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some weird things are happening in this house since me and my friends came here for the camping. This house was enormously quiet and could feel strong vibe that I can not explain in words. But this old house was the only one that we were be able to find in the deep side of forest. All the roofs were almost taken off but fortunately inside of the house was pretty clean and organized than I expected.

I guess we are in pretty far away from the city and I don’t even know how we got all the way deep here. And also this house seemed like hasn’t been touched by people for a long time. But there was no choice that we can leave here and walk more deeper side of the forest. So we decided to stay in here for few nights .

At night, here was 12pm me and my friends already forgot about this creepy house and we were just having fun playing games.. In middle of the game, I wanted go to the bathroom and I didn’t want to be all by my self trying to find where is the bathroom at. So I begged one of my friends to come with me to the bathroom. While we were going up to the second floor , I could see so many pictures hanging on the wall but couldn’t really recognize peoples’ faces and those pictures looked like  got taken al least in20 years ago.  But my friend was completely was drunk and didn’t even care about what I was talking about.

When me and my friend found a bathroom, I told her please talk to me or sing for me while I’m in a bathroom so I don’t have to feel scary. Even bathroom lights were all out so I had to turn the flash light on my phone. It was pretty hard to do something with a phone in my hand but I thought to be thankful that I was keeping my phone in my pocket.  I asked repeatedly to my friend to sing for me and she started to singing and I finally could release the tension from scariness.

Few minutes later, suddenly my friend stopped singing and kept in silence. I felt odd so I called her name few times but she didn't reply me but in tranquil. I started to having all the negative thoughts in my mind so i kind of rushed to get out of the bathroom.  I couldn't even scream and my body froze from scariness and I also could feel my face is turning to pale . My friend was laying on the floor with blood all over her body when i got out of the bathroom and I didn't know what to do.  So I ran down to the first floor to get some help from other friends . My shirt was already wet from sweating and I couldn't walk in a straight line. I never been into this horrible situation before.

when I got the first floor, everyone was still playing game and talking. I was literally melted down and all my friends tried to make me calm down and after i found sort of  peaceful, I explained what have happened to her who just died . But I do not know what are their problems . everyone seemed like no one knows about that girl . Actually she wasn't my friend that i have been knowing for long time . She just joined with my group before we get into the forest . But how could no one knows about her except me?

I dragged everyone to the second floor to show them that terrible scene of accident which just happened . But I had to doubt my eyes because there was nothing on that spot. My friends thought I lied to get an attention and I was struck dumb with amazement.

But the other hands I was happy that wasn't real . And I thought what if the spirit of that girl wanted to tell something important things to somebody through me.

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