Dark Eyes | Teen Ink

Dark Eyes

June 2, 2015
By Alecroft SILVER, Clairton, Pennsylvania
Alecroft SILVER, Clairton, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live everyday like it was on purpose

She just stared at me from across the room. Her eyes were sky blue, the color that looked quite beautiful on a girl. Yet despite the color her eyes didn’t exemplify any kind of beauty. They were void of all emotion  and radiated a darkness that turned my blood cold. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t. I was too afraid to. I was afraid that if I did something would happen and judging by the way she looked at me it wasn’t gonna be good.
We stared at each other for what seemed like the longest time until I began to hear voices. They were all around me getting louder and louder. At first they were inaudible but then slowly they started to make sense. I began to pick out some of the words and by the tone they were being shouted something was dreadfully wrong. I kept staring at the girl as the voices continued around me. I heard someone yell “my baby!” and another “call 911!”. At that point I knew something was wrong.
I heard someone yell “Stop him!” and I turned away from the girl. Looking around I realized I was no longer sitting on my porch but I was in the middle of the side walk. All around me a crowd was gathering everybody shouting and yelling. One woman was in tears. I looked down and noticed my hands were wrapped around the head of one of the neighborhood kids. Kevin I think his name was. I wasn’t sure because the majority of his head was covered in blood as were my hands. His eyes stared up at me blank and unmoving.
I just looked down at him in shock when I felt hands grab me from behind and wrench me off the boy. As I looked at his body while they pulled me from him my whole body seemed to lock up. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, didn’t want to believe it. Laying on the ground was a dead boy and I had killed him.

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