Safe Somehow | Teen Ink

Safe Somehow

May 29, 2015
By Ishanee.K BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Ishanee.K BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was something or someone, out there in the darkness. She could feel it. Her auburn hair beamed in the moonlight, as goosebumps rose against her arms. She slammed the lid of the garbage can shut and started walking back towards her house. Her instincts told her to look around to see if someone was out there, but a shiver made its way up her spine acknowledging that the smart thing to do was head inside. Before she knew it, Bianca’s legs had taken her towards the misty fog covering an unknown figure. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she suddenly saw a man standing still in darkness, his facial features were difficult to decipher. Bianca’s heart was now pounding, she was stunned.
“Maybe he needs help.” she assured herself.
Bianca began to walk toward him, her crystal blue eyes were fixed on him.
“Uh, excuse me? Is everything alright?”
No answer. She kept walking to get a better look at what was wrong. As she slowly approached him, her heart skipped a beat. She instantly regretted going out there alone, at night.
“H-H-Hello?” the words barely left her mouth.
Finally, he put a finger to his lips and motioned towards a dark van. Something about him wasn’t right, Bianca did not feel safe.
“What’s wrong?” she was almost positive he wouldn’t answer.
His finger pointed to the same large dark van where an odd odor slowly drifted throughout the narrow road.
Annoyed, Bianca decided to look into the van and see what had happened.
“Bianca...” a voice whispered.
Bianca jumped. “How do you know my name?” she tried to contain herself.
“Is that your dog? Sammy?” the man’s voice was deep. “Your name is written on his collar.”
She looked closely at the dog and nearly burst into tears. “Sammy! NO!”
“It’s alright take him, I found him on the side of the road.” the man smirked.
Bianca was no longer frightened, but mortified. She climbed into the van and pulled Sammy into her arms. Suddenly, the van doors slammed shut.
Bianca gasped, “Hey! What are you doing?” she tried to open them.
The man climbed into the front seat, “I’m taking you to the animal hospital, maybe we can save him.”
“Um, I need to go home, and go with my parents. I don’t even know you.”
“We’re already out of the neighborhood, explain when you get back.”
She was now panicking. She was in a car with a stranger, with her nearly dead dog, and no way to contact her parents.
“Who even knows if this man is safe?” she wondered.
They were soon in an unknown area way passed her local animal hospital.
“Uh... where are we?” Bianca’s breath staggered.
“Heading back to my place. It’s late and your dog is dead anyway.” the man chuckled.
It didn’t make any sense, how could Bianca be so naive? This man was dangerous, and he had harmful intentions.
“Stay positive. Stay positive. Think now.” Bianca thought.
Emotions floated through her mind. She was confused, how did this even happen? She was scared. Helpless. Sad. Regretful. Vengeful. Bianca stroked Sammy’s soft fur and tears fell onto his paws. Abruptly, Sammy jumped, a breath left his mouth. He was not dead. 
Immediately, he sensed fear in the air, and realized Bianca was in trouble. He jumped into the driver’s seat and attacked the man. The man lost control of the steering wheel driving the car into another. Out of nowhere there was a flicker of lights and Bianca was out.
She soon awoke in a hospital bed, startled. A rush of relief left her body as she saw her mom’s face.
“Mom!” she started crying hysterically. “You won’t believe what happened.”
“Don’t worry about it right now. It’s all going to be okay.” her Mom consoled her.
“But, but, the man. And Sammy?”
“The man is gone for good,” her Mom’s voice suddenly hushed, “and so is Sammy.”
“They’re dead?”

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