drops of blood | Teen Ink

drops of blood

October 9, 2015
By ccbrony BRONZE, Storm Lake, Iowa
ccbrony BRONZE, Storm Lake, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was 16, I was bitten by a vampire that was in 1620. Now it is 2015. I have lived for 411 years and this is my story of how I fell in love and broke all the rules. I will leave you with a question before I start my story. What would you do for love?
“ Mother I am going to the market to get flour and eggs. Do we require anything else from the marke?t” i called from the door on the mansion. “ yes dear we need honey and garlic to protect our house from the blood suckers” mother called from the kitchen sink “ok mother” i called as i left. When i got outside i took of running i loved being free and not under the constant yelling by my mother. when i got to the market i stopped at Mrs.Hilliard's stall  “good morning mrs hilliard how are you today” i greeted “very good Victoria how are you” she called “ very good i need two pounds of honey and a pound of comb please” i asked her “and how is George i have not seen him in ages” “ i am sorry honey the blood suckers have him he was coming from the priest and they grabbed him and drank all his blood and then took his body for their devil worship.” she cried “you know that they use a student of a priest as a sacrifice to the devil” “i am so sorry Mrs. Hillard he was a good friend to me i feel your pain” I said with pain in my heart “  do you know that night he was talking the priest to bless him that you would agree to marry him so in my mind and heart you are a daughter to me.” mrs.hilliard said with tears in her eyes “thank you very much” i said “ need to go home now i will write you soon” “okay sweetie” mrs hilliard said. Then i went in to the direction of home and i was to deep in thought to see the dark shadow lurking behind me all of a sudden i got pushed to the ground and felt a sharp pain in my neck and then a warm feeling and then i heard chanting “become us, live like us, be us accept us” then i felt light and when i opened my eyes and everything was clearer and i could see the tiniest cracks in the cobble and was really thirsty. you got to drink or you will die my mind thought without consent and i could smell the blood of Mrs.hilliard and then one of a horse the human smelled sweeter but just then my attacker spoke to me “take the horse” it begged “please victoria do not turn into the devil be an angel in black with me” an angel in black is a vampire who does not drink human blood they drink the blood of animals it is not like how Twilight portrays it at  all the animals that we drink from slowly turn to dust because we just not drink the blood but their life source and it is not peaceful they feel immense pain and suffering anyway let’s get back to the story “who are you” i demanded “ i am george your husband” george said stiffly “george how could you i was going to be fiance i was going to marry i loved you” i cried “ i love you i could not survive until the end of time without you by my side i need you” george pleaded “please just drink the blood of the horse please”  “ok” i said meekly and started walking over to the horse and patted him on the nose “ this is going to hurt i am so sorry please forgive me” i  said the horse grunted in acceptance and then i felt my fangs bigger than any i have seen grew out of my jaw.and i bit into his  artery. as soon as the blood touched my lips i began to get thirstier and thirstier i drank until the poor horse was nothing but a pile of dust easily swept away by the wind once my thirst was quenched i wanted to see my mom and tell her what happened to me “i am going to see my mom and tell her then i will go with you” i demanded “i do not think that’s a good idea she will most likely disown you and i then think she will try to kill you” george spoke with a voice that sounded  world weary “i will to” i said well grabbing a wooden pole and making it into a stake and put it near my heart
“no ok fine we will but after that we need to go” george said “ok” then we started walking to my house.  by the time we got there it was dusk and all the candles were lit i will just go in and talk to her “ok”. as i walked in i saw no one “mother” i called then all i saw before i was killed was my mother running at me with a wooden stake now you might be wondering how i am s because we never die if we get a stake in our hearts we are reborn but it is not common i am the first to go through the rebirthing and now i am the ambassador between the black angels and the humans me and George got married and now i must be off i have a meetings.  

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