A Skiing Trip | Teen Ink

A Skiing Trip

October 20, 2015
By Deven179 BRONZE, Westborough, Massachusetts
Deven179 BRONZE, Westborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A skiing Trip

The day began much like any other. There was snow on the ground and a cold breeze that occasionally rushed through the air. I had packed my supplies and started driving out towards my favorite mountain in New Hampshire. I had recently gotten new skiing equipment and I couldn’t wait to put it to the test. About half way into my voyage, I got a call from my partner who was supposed to meet me at the mountain. He told me that the mountain was closed due to an avalanche that had occurred, covering up most of the trails. Disappointed, I told him to return home and I stopped off at a small gas station to fill up the tank for the return trip. The man working there had noticed my thick skiing clothes and asked where I was heading. After I explained to him what had happened, he stood still for a second and then informed me about another more unknown mountain that his brother used to ski down. Now instead of being disappointed, I smiled and thanked the man for telling me. We continued to talk about skiing for a little while afterwards and he told me about how his brother had been a professional skier and he always would get ski products from a company named Dynastar. The same company that I used.
So off I went. The mountain was very close to where I had stopped to get gas. On the way over I decided to call up my skiing partner and I told him to meet me at the new mountain. When I arrived, I saw a small ski lodge that had snow piled high up on the sides. I walked inside and I found a map of the trails of the mountain. I saw that there was only one double black diamond trail. Knowing that I have conquered so many other double black diamond trails, I decided to hit that one first, as I was waiting for my partner to arrive. There was only one ski lift and only about six people waiting in line. What the man at the gas station said was true; this was an extremely unknown place. This was good for many reasons. First, I would be able to keep on moving. There was nothing worse than having to wait in a long line while the wind is blowing ice fragments into your face. Second, the trails would be un-used and would be smooth to ski down. And lastly, there wouldn’t be too many people getting in the way of me when I would try to go fast.
Finally, at the top of the ski lift, I was able to find the double black diamond trail. As I began my decent, I noticed that there were absolutely no ski marks on the trail. This meant that I was the first one to go on it all day. Excited, I began to pick up speed as I shot down the steep trail. All was going great until I hit an ice patch and slipped. When I got back on my feet I picked up my skis and laid them down on the snow. As I finished putting them on, something caught my eye. I saw what looked to be a smaller ski trail that went into the woods. I didn’t remember seeing that trail on the map but I wanted to check it out anyway. As I continued down this trail, I got a weird feeling, almost like something was watching me. I looked back just to find nothing and I just thought my brain was playing tricks on me. I skied forwards and I began to hear what sounded like whispering in my head. Find me, find me, find me. Over and over again I heard this whisper inside of my head. I eventually stopped in the middle of the trail and wildly swung my ski pole behind me for me paranoia had gotten so bad. I began to feel dizzy and I reluctantly tried skiing down the rest of the trail.
All of a sudden, the trail stopped and a small clearing came into sight. In the middle of this clearing was a mound of snow that had two skis sticking out of the top. Next to the mound was a tree that had fallen across the clearing. What looked like a piece of paper and a pencil was resting in the snow next to an indentation that seemed to form the shape of a human body. I hesitantly made my way closer to the mound and I saw that there was one word on each ski. Dynastar. Shocked, I slowly backed away from the mound and frantically looked around. I spotted that the trail began again at the other side of the clearing and I rushed towards it. I bolted as fast as I could down the trail, hoping that this was all just some type of hallucination. But it wasn’t. I started trembling as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. This time I didn’t dare to look back and I just kept skiing. I began to become unbalanced as I hastily weaved through each turn. Just at the peak of my paranoia, the trail reconnected with the main trail. That terrible feeling that had been feasting upon me had vanished. Now I had no idea what I had just experienced so I frantically tried to make it down the mountain as fast as possible.
I was sweating bullets in the extremely cold weather. My heart was racing and I started to have flashes of that clearing. Something in me felt like I needed to go back, but yet I knew that I didn’t want to go back. Or did I? I came to a stop at the ski lodge and I ran inside. I almost fell twice as I pranced in with my ski boots still on. I ran over to the clerk at the desk and started rambling on about this crazy trail that I went on. The man looked at me like I had three heads.
“Are you ok sir?” he reluctantly asked me.
“Do I look ok? Why didn’t you tell me that there was some type of messed up ski trail on the mountain?” I barked at him.
“Sir, do I know you?” he asked slowly reaching for a phone.
“What do you mean? I was here earlier and you told me about every trail on the mountain except that one!” I said out of rage.
“I have never seen you before in my life,” the man stated, very confused.
“Just wait,” I said while pulling out my phone, “I am going to call my ski partner.”
I walked outside and got a cell signal so I could call. When I put in the number and waited for the call to transmit, something strange happened. Instead of going to voice mail, the operator announced that the number I called was not in service. I tried again, thinking I had just put in the numbers wrong. But the same thing happened. This is when I started to lose it. I ran back inside and asked the clerk if this was all some type of joke.
“Sir, have we met before?” he replied.
“Are you crazy? I just was talking to you like 3 minutes ago!” I yelled at him.
“Sir there is no need for hostility, you are the first person to come in here for almost 2 hours now.” The man firmly stated.
I turned around and darted outside, ignoring the last thing that the man started yelling at me. When I slipped on my helmet and gloves I was ready to ski back to the lift. Something had happened when I went through that trail and now I had to find out what. I took the same route as before when I went down the mountain for the second time. When I eventually found the unmarked trail, I took a deep breath and slowly eased my way in. I trembled as I cut through the snow and continued towards my destination. I started to get another weird feeling as if something had been watching me. I tried my best to ignore it but eventually I began to pick up speed and I accelerated downwards. Too afraid to look back, I pressed on and on, not knowing what was going to happen. Before I knew it, a tree fell out of nowhere and skied directly into it. I landed face first in the snow and looked up slowly.
What I saw was spine chilling. My own two skis were both sticking out of a mound of snow in front of me. The word Dynastar was at the top of each ski. I tried to get up but my legs were covered in snow. I struggled for another 5 minutes before I gave up. I looked around and all I saw was a piece of paper and a pencil that seemed to have mysteriously been placed next to me. I grabbed them and started to write. The day began much like any other. There was snow on the ground and a cold breeze that occasionally rushed through the air…

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