deises | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By Zombies22 BRONZE, Loussville, Colorado
Zombies22 BRONZE, Loussville, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was 16 years old going to highschool with a girlfriend I played football and now I am playing basketball it is december first and on this day i woke up at 6:10 and I did my daily routine got some breakfast and then jumped into the shower and soon enough i was ready to go to school... I got to school around 7:45 and my girlfriend was there waiting for me so I walked her to class my first period was chemistry with Mr.Lynch about half way threw the period there was a pass for me to go the the office and i had no idea what for and when I got there a whole bunch of alarms went off and it was even like the tornado sirens were going off so i ran back to my girlfriends classroom grabbed her and we ran to my truck and when we go in there we both were wondering what was going on so we turn on the radio and they were telling everyone to get inside because there was a huge outbreak of diseases so me and my girlfriend caroline we drove home and we grabbed a whole bunch of food and she got into the other car and we had the idea of going into the basement and staying in there for a little.. I say

“Caroline why don't we just get away from everyone because we don't know who has this disease and what it looks like so why don't we go up to the mountains and go to our house up there.?”
she says
“Okay, good and we should pack food warm clothes and your guns I will get the food and clothes.”
“Okay, hun be ready soon!!”

I run upstairs and grab my jacket pants and a pair of snow pants too and then also as i went down stairs to grab the guns as I was doing this i hear this loud groan and a big thumb on this window I was going past so I stopped in my tracks and looked outside and there was this human being looking thing with yellow eyes ripped cloths this person thing looked like it was holmes  and and it started growlingv and headitting the house so hard that it looked like that it was going to put a whole into the house so I ran outside and got its attention and there were more in the streets as I was walking trying to distract it from my house and all those other ones they started to run towards me and I have no idea what to do so i ran back into the house and I called caroline

“Are you ready we need to leave know there are things that look like homeless people that are wondering the streets!

she screams back and says.
“ Almost ready I am just grabbing the AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

I run up stairs as fast as I can possibly and i go into our bedroom and she was standing over our dead dog and his guts were just every where blood every where and then there was bloody footsteps. I followed the bloody footsteps as I walked thru the hallway I started to hear a slow grown and something as like clawing at a door and the door was shut the door was so bloody and I had my pistol in my hand and I reached for it and I was slowly turning the doorknob there was a huge force on the other side of the door.

“Caroline run and get yourself somewhere safe!!”

I continue turning the doorknob and . almost hear this sketching sound the force against the door is getting stronger the door is half way open and then there is this bloody arm with a ripped greenish colored shirt I couldn't see it because there was so much blood staining the shirt and it tried scratching me. Then there was this head that popped out and one of the eyes were beyond bloody and the other one was this purple red color on the inside I tried I shut the door and stab its arm but it looked like it wasnt feeling anything i was doing to the body so the popped out again and i stabbed it in the head. It stopped it laid down dead I opened the door and it was my little brother that i just stabbed in the head but it looks like he got this disease that was going around and I opened the door and there was blood spilling out of his head and I bend down and look at his body and it looked as if he was bit on the shoulder by something it looked like a terrible way to die I called for Caroline.

“Come look at what it was!”
She finally gets here and then I explained to her how it looks like this disease is spreading around and I point at the bit mark that was clearly on his shoulder and she freaks out and we can't do anything about this so we have to move we have to go to the mountains now.

“Are you ready caroline?”
“Yes I am are you ready?”
“Yes I am let's go get your stuff into the truck in the garage.”

As we are getting into the car we open the garage and the truck is running and we pull out of the garage and as we are rolling down the streets there is a huge pack of zombie like things that are blocking the streets and it looks like they are attracted to sound and as we stop to think about another path al,m of the zombies come close to us and break our windshield and they eat us alive…..    

The author's comments:

zombies are pretty cool

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