One Night Stand in New Orleans | Teen Ink

One Night Stand in New Orleans

December 16, 2015
By KiNgZ_01 SILVER, Sacramento, California
KiNgZ_01 SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Knowledge ain't shit unless its applied" (Bradley Martyn)



“Hey you.  I know I yelled at you real bad… I know I said some things I shouldn’t have said, but I was just… angry… upset. You know how close I am to this movie deal.  I mean, they know about my dancing but… those pictures?  You don’t wanna mess up my chance for stardom, do you baby?” As she  was distracting Oscar, she was grabbing a pair of scissors. “What do you say you bring over the prints and we can…make up.” And at  that moment she sank the scissors into the man’s heart.




Once on a rainy and dark day in New Orleans Jack was smoking a cigarette and was planning to meet up with Thomas to give him some cash. So once he finally met up with him he told him” Hey… we got a problem… a big problem. The mayors trying to make a name for himself… Stickin his nose where it don’t belong. He’s looking into allegations of police bribery.” Jack was close to Thomas and handed him the money. Jack said “what do you say we get together at the usual joint? Talk things through… Figure out a way to put this to bed before it gets out of hand.” As jack was following the man he had pulled out a revolver and hit him behind the head and he was on the floor and 3 shots were fired. 


Bam, bam, bam!




Floyd was in the locker room and thinking  “I ain’t fought in eighteen months. I’m steppin at the last moment. I’ve only got two weeks to train. But the outcome ain’t in any doubt. See… I ain’t leaving nothin to chance. He may be the number one contender, but his career ends tonight.” 


As the fight was going on Floyd told his trainer “you just make sure the ref knows to look the other way… ‘cause this ain’t gonna be pretty.”


As the match was rolling, Floyd delivered some punches to his opponent in the face. Johhny was spitting out blood and you could see the blood on the ring.  While he did that he was thinking to himself in his head saying “but once it’s done, once you collect your debts and your bets. I’ll get my shot at the title.” Once he was done saying that he had decided to make his last move to finish him. He had knocked him out cold and he was lying down on the ring when the bell rung.


Ding, ding, ding!



Meanwhile, Nero was on the phone with his life insurance company trying to explain that his wife’s policy had been paid off. He was on the phone with one of the assistance people and told them, “But just to be clear, can you please tell me how much we’ve invested in my wife’s account? Do you happen to know if our life insurance is fully paid up?”  While he was talking to the insurance company he was putting together a voodoo doll made for his wife called the doll of death. Nero had a knife in his hand and he was choosing his target preciously and he had punctured the knife into the dolls chest and his wife wasn’t heard again. Nero had needed to kill his wife because he wanted the money from his wife’s commission policy; he was bankrupt and had no other choice.





On April 17,1942 Jack, Nero, Jessica, and Floyd meet randomly at Snake and Jake’s dive bar and the three men got whiskey and started to drink while Jessica was doing her thing on the stage. While Jessica was dancing, Jack had pulled out a cigarette and lighted it. Once it was lit, all of a sudden a faint whisper of opera could be heard and everyone looked at the record player. The room got quiet and the four passed out on the bar. It was dark and foggy outside.  Jack, Floyd, Jessica, and Nero, were all drawn to the presence of The Shadow man in Saint Louis number one cemetery where they now must find their redemption.


They were all drawn to different parts in the Saint Louis number one cemetery. Once they opened there eyes, a dark calmness had spoken up but you can’t see who is speaking. “Hello I am the shadow man.”  He appears from the darkness. “I have been watching I’ve seen each and every one of your misdeeds.  I know who you are but, questions remain. Why have done the things you’ve done? Do you not see the futility of your tiny, insignificant existence? You are but fragments of a bigger universe.” As The Shadow man spoke to the four characters, they took notice of a strange marking on their left hands.  It looked to be a sit; it was engraved into their skins. The Shadow man said, “only with this mark may you turn into the beast, your sins serve only as an invitation. An invitation to an evil beyond your imagination. I’ll lead the way. Only through me will you find your redemption.” They met in the middle of cemetery.  Now they must face the dead (yes I am talking about zombies). “Welcome to the city that never sleeps and you must take the streets of New Orleans and combat the dead.”


They were in the cemetery where the most famous voodoo queen was buried and her name was Marie Laveau. The wave of zombies had just begun and the Shadow man said “let the games begin.”


Opera started to play in the background.  It started to rain, and it became a little foggy. When Jack found a box, he told the others that it contained something. “Look guys I found a box that contains goodies that might help us on our little adventure aha.  Thank the voodoo god.”


“There’s a voodoo god?” Jessica asked.


“Yeah” Nero said.


“How do you know this s***?” Jack said.


“Enough talking and killing!” Nero said.


As they were exploring the cemetery one had asked “why is that sculpture only half of it?”


“I don’t know” Nero said.


The sculptures voice said “fetch me their souls.” It had been the voodoo queen Marie Laveau. From that moment there was silence in the cemetery.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by watching a movie and thats what inspired me to write about zombies 

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