The Place Nobody Goes | Teen Ink

The Place Nobody Goes

December 14, 2015
By Isela.hemmings BRONZE, Stockton, California
Isela.hemmings BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
*Life Is Like A Roller Coaster It Has Its Ups And Down But You Just Gotta Sit Back And Enjoy The Ride*

It started as a situation: The day Felipe told Mia what he really was, which was a ghost. She freaked out, but after a while she was fine. 2 months later, Mia took some pills that her friend gave her. She went home and took the whole container. Later she was dead. When Felipe found out,  he dragged Mia out of her room and into the bathroom. He later stuck his finger down her throat and she vomited. Felipe “saved” her. After that situation Felipe other 

did something he shouldn't have done!. He raped Mia's “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.” Mia said when she found out.
“Mia Please, I'm so sorry, please,” Felipe said with regret.
Mia realized that when she moved into the house it was haunted so everyone that died in the can’t ever leave so the people who live there can see and hear dead people. Mia first lived here she and Felipe were friends. He Told her about the ghost and he said if they ever bother her to say “go away” and they would.
Mia closed her eyes. 
“NO” Said Felipe sadly.
“GO AWAY,” she repeated.
“WAIT” said Felipe.
“I think I should tell you now.” Felipe said sadly.
“TELL ME WHAT?”  Mia said angrily.
“Remember when you took those pills?”.
“Yeah .Why?” she said nervously.
“Well, you didn't quite survive”.
Mia stood there quietly changing her emotions to angry again
“I tried …….”
“GO AWAY!”   Mia said loudly while interrupting felipe
Silence was in the room . The only sound was Mia Breathing.

9 months later…
“Come on Mia let’s go get your mother outta that asylum She can't be in there one minute longer.” Mia’s Mother is in an asylum because when she got raped Felipe was in a rubber suit and after she called the police told her everything and they thought she was crazy so they sent her there.  Everything she said about the house was true but they didn't think so.
“Um dad, I think Imma stay here.” Mia said nervously
‘No you have to come because after were going to the hospital to check on the baby her due date is next week.” Robert , who is Mia’s father, said.
Robert grabbed her by the arm and took her to the car he didn't mean any harm.
“Get in the car please,” he said
“Fine, I’ll just lay in the back,” Mia said She knew what was going to happen
when he backed out of the driveway she transported, transported meaning she moved places in a flash,  into the front door and watched her dad leave.

  Later when Robert came home with Carrie, who is Mia’s mother, started talking.  Mia finally told her parents she was a ghost.  (Right when the reaction came the floor was wet.)
Her Mom's water broke
“Oh my gosh,“ Robert said
“Mom, are you having the baby now?”
Carrie was in serious pain. There wasn’t enough time to get her to the hospital because it was a demon baby, and demon babies have to be deliver  . So that would mean Robert or Mia have to deliver the baby.
“Dad, who’s gonna deliver the baby?” Mia Said Panicly
“I don’t know, i don’t know” he said in a scared voice
later Robert was being a wimp and so he fainted.
“Will You guys hurry up?!” Carrie said in pain
“you can do this, okay you can do this” Mia said confidently
Later all of the people who lived here before was gonna deliver that baby
there was a doctor ghost, two nurses,a women,Felipe, and more random ghost
“Get away from here you are not going to deliver that baby just so you can turn it to a little demon baby”
“They’re here to help, i sent them.” Felipe said.
Mia Nodded her head.
“Let’s deliver this baby.” The doctor said
Carrie was screaming in  pain Felipe was supporting  Mia in the room next door. Carrie was still screaming but then she stopped all you heard was someone crying and Felipe and Mia Knew it wasn’t Carrie.
“Her name is Alice.” Carrie said in low energy voice.
Mia held her sister alice but then carrie stopped breathing. Carrie had died giving birth to Alice
“Mom?” Mia said trying to wake up her mom.
Mia looked around she saw her wimpy dad on the floor she had forgot about.
“Dad wake up” she said
“Dad wake up” she said in a angry voice
          TO BE CONTINUED...

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