Would You Rather | Teen Ink

Would You Rather

March 3, 2016
By JerseyLeigh BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
JerseyLeigh BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Let me go, I don’t even know you.”, Jace said struggling against the tight ropes that were wrapped around him, pinning him to a chair.

“Oh poor Jason, don’t you mean us?” The guy said in a very young voice that Jace seemed to recognize but was too busy thinking on what the words meant. The throaty voice continued, “Oh you didn’t think that you were really the only one taken from that football game.”

“Who else did you kidnap?” Jace said, trying to see who he was hiding. All he could see was that whoever they were they were wearing jeans and neon blue sneakers. Then it hit him he was there when they bought those shoes. “BLAKE!?”

“Jason!” Blake screamed trying to move from behind the guy that had taken them.

“That’s just tragic, the hottest boy in high school, star of the football game, and the star of soccer and baseball teams. Found dead with his beloved girlfriend, Blake, captain of the volleyball and cheerleading squad, loved by everyone she meets. That is an amazing love story don’t you think?” He said turning to her slapping her across the face so hard that she screamed.

“You monster,what do you want?” She said through gritted teeth.

“Who is it?” Jace asked still trying to break free of the chains.

“You really want to know what I want?”


“I wanted you, you moved here and you were so bubbly and everybody couldn’t stop talking about how amazing you were. Or at least were. Then we found out that the baseball coach was your dad and then I was so happy when you came to practice then to games. But then smart one over here”, he said standing slightly walking to Jace making sure that he didn’t come into the light, “Asked you out, next thing you know you guys are dating and you didn’t see at all that I’m the right one for you.” He finished and you could hear that he was trying not to cry.

“Please let Jace go he didn’t do anything! You’re mad at me right? ‘Cause I didn’t chose you? So let him go.” she pleaded, looking like she was about to cry but trying to be strong.

“NO! I’m not mad at you, because you didn’t know that I liked you, I am mad at him because he knew that I had a crush on you since you moved to our math class. He didn’t even like you until baseball season came around.”

“That is a lie, I liked for the start as well.” Jace said, who was thinking of everybody that he knew in his math class and had a crush on Blake. Which was hard because every guy in his math class( let alone the whole school) had a crush on her.

“Blake, look at me please.” Jace said moving so he could see around the mystery man to look at her. She finally tore her eyes away from their capture only a few inches away from her face as she met Jace’s pleading stare, she saw her own pain reflected in his eyes. Terror and almost everything that has been building up her whole life. “Blake, I loved you before you even got here I just didn’t know it, don’t listen to anything he says, he’s just saying it to make you upset with me, Don’t give him that.”

“Who are you to say I’m just doing it to make her upset. You’re the one that’s making her upset.” He said finally walking into the light for Jace to see his face. Jace couldn’t say anything. His eyes went fuzzy with tears and finally looked forward at Blake to see her face covered in pain.

“Kellin? You? What? This doesn’t... what?” Kellin was Jace supposed best friend their parents knew each other in high school and they were all friends. Jace was born a day before Kellin and they were placed next to each other in the hospital. When they both turned 16 they went cliff jumping(without their parents knowing about it) they both landed in the water in the same time and both broke their forearm in the same place to the point. Jace’s family called Kellin their son and brother and same with Kellin’s family about Jace.

“Don’t act so surprised pretty boy. You always got everything, your older by a single day not even a full day at that. My parents always gave you everything you wanted then me nothing but money. Even then for me to spend right now, it’s all for college or towards my car which I don’t even have yet. But not you you have the car the girl and everything you go for. But I’m done explaining myself to you it’s time to play a little game don’t you think?”


“Oh, you know the game Jason what is my favorite game to play?.”

“Don’t you dare touch her and I don’t want to play that stupid game”

“Ah why not Blake looks like she would be fun right?”

“What game is he talking about Jace?”

“Would You Rather...”

Then Kellin picked up Blake in her chair and moved her at least a foot away from Jace.

“Let’s start shall we? Jason would you rather she have one less toe or one less finger of your choose?”

“I’m not going to answer that.” Jace said through gritted teeth.

“A finger” Blake said for him “take my ring finger on my right hand.”

“Blake no! He’s not really going to take off a finger or a toe.” But Jace was wondering what he was doing he was now standing over Blake’s right hand looking like he was studying it, but it didn’t look like he had anything that could really cut off someone fingers in his hand. Then Blake screamed and Jace looked up to find Kellin holding her ring finger from her right hand above his head.

“Not going to do it, did you really think I was going to give up the chance to hear her scream.”

“When I get out of here I’m going to cut off more than your finger. I’ll tell you that now,” Jace screamed moving his chair so his knees were touching her knees. “Blake!? Baby, look at me.” She did she looked up but the thing was that she wasn’t crying, yes she screamed but there were no tears coming from her eyes. “Blake?”

“You should now your girlfriend real well by now shouldn’t you Jason, well I do because I’m the one that she runs to when she needs a friend to cry on. Blake here doesn’t like to show pain by crying and showing weakness. She likes to show that people don’t scare her the way they want to.” He said stroking her face with his bloody hand, leaving a streak of blood on her face.

“That is why I choose her to torture not you.”

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