The Desolate Ranch | Teen Ink

The Desolate Ranch

May 20, 2016
By Anonymous

It was in mexico when I was living with my nephew, niece, and sister for a while. We were little and lived in a ranch close to a village by a river. In Michoacan, “The weeping woman” ,a mexican legend about  a woman who lost her children and cries while looking for them by the river, often causing misfortune to those who hear her, existed.
One night, my nephew, Jose, my niece, Ana, and I had stayed up late playing inside. My sister was already asleep in the other room. We were the only ones still up. Later that night we discovered that we weren’t the only ones awake. Someone else was with us. I went to my sister’s room to check, and she was there, asleep. My nephew and I went outside and it was all silent. No noise. No nothing.The whole village was off. Everyone was asleep.    We went back with Ana and pretended to sleep to see who it was. It wasn’t what we expected. A loud crying voice was sounding.It came closer and closer, We covered ourselves up with the blanket and lay down with our eyes really closed trying to be serious.. Until it got to the door, it stopped. For a few seconds it was all silent. We heard the door open and shut really hard.  Nothing scarier has happened to us. Ana and I went running to my sister’s room. Jose stayed there all by himself. As soon as my nephew turned around, . He was the only one that saw her.Ana and I couldn’t even see what was happening. 
Next morning, my nephew woke up shaking,sweaty, and paralyzed “What happened?” I asked.Jose told us everything he saw.It was all a dream.I went to the living room and saw a large scratch in the door.
“How did this happened?” I questioned.I looked at my nephew. He was shocked. Only he knows what really happened and what he saw. After telling us everything, Ana and me went to my sister’s room and told her of what had happened. We were surprised. My sister didn’t say nothing at all.She already knew about this. No wonder the village is so quiet at night. Ana looked at me scared. “We need to get out of here” - she said.        Where are we gonna go? What about our ranch? “Oh don’t worry we’ll just sell it”.  That easy? “No one is gonna want to buy it knowing it’s close to the river. Especially if they know what goes around here”. Ana thought for a second.”You’re right, maybe we should just leave to the other side of the village or to the city,nothing happens around there.” “Yes, that’s exactly what we should do.” - I exclaimed. We told Jose and my sister about it, they both agreed. It was getting dark,and we were ready to go to sleep.This time we didn’t stayed up.Next morning we were packing up our stuff.Ready to leave off we went to the city. All that was left was the scratched door and the house by the river. In  my thoughts i said-” good luck to the next family that moves in that ranch by the “sad,scary river”.                     .

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